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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - June 18, 1990 Page - 7 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued): <br /> the consensus is that they support the 90-day delay for the purpose of <br /> exploring and finding other methods to fund the short fall . He recommended <br /> formation of a task force to achieve these goals. <br /> Bob Leigh, President, Washington Homeowners Association, said he was happy <br /> to see the DARE Officer included in the budget. He also complimented the <br /> Police Department for instituting the SLSLAYA Program (San Leandro-San <br /> Lorenzo Associated Youth Agencies) . He also said he felt the time had come <br /> for a south area study, and he requested the City see what could be done <br /> about the gopher problems at the John Muir Junior High School multi-use field <br /> area. <br /> Gary Naman, 1470 View Drive, said he has a business in town and feels the <br /> Utility Users' Tax is unfair and sudden, and he urges approval of the 90- <br /> day deferment. <br /> Patricia Barker, Latchford Glass, said their employees are asking that the <br /> City find some other means of funding the short fall than the Utility Users' <br /> Tax. She said the employees are concerned about their jobs; she also <br /> presented a petition with signatures from their employees. <br /> Gary Jerritt, Controller for Latchford Glass, said he supports the 90-day <br /> delay. He said the Utility Users' Tax cap removal could hurt expansion of <br /> existing businesses. <br /> The City Council asked questions regarding companies who may be looking into <br /> co-generation or other alternative means of energy. <br /> Doris Porth, President-elect of the Chamber of Commerce, complimented the <br /> City on the budget. She said it was a good budget and easy to read. She <br /> encouraged the deferment of the tax-cap removal and the formation of a task <br /> force. She said the Chamber is willing to work at finding a way to spread <br /> the costs equitably. <br /> C. Tony Amaral , Chief Executive Officer, IROC, spoke regarding emergency <br /> preparedness containers developed by IROC. He said this is a self-contained <br /> capsule that would sustain a survivor in case of a disaster for 1 to 4 days. <br /> He said IROC is trying to get grants and he feels the City should look at <br /> ways of raising funds for disaster preparedness. He was asked to send <br /> information to the City Clerk on this matter. <br /> Gordon Green, 196 Farrelly Drive, said he recognizes the importance of large <br /> businesses and supports a 90-day deferment. He feels the City should go <br /> slowly and carefully on this process. <br /> There being no further comments from the public, on motion of Council Member <br /> Perry, seconded by Council Member Corbett and carried unanimously, the Public <br /> Hearing was closed. <br />