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10A Action 2014 0203
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2014 0203
10A Action 2014 0203
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6/5/2019 7:56:11 AM
Creation date
1/28/2014 6:06:23 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Capital Improvements <br />Lit San Leandro Fiber Loop The City is working with OSIsoft, a local software company, to license a <br />10 mile loop of City conduit to install fiber optic cable. The loop will provide high-speed internet <br />connectivity data communications for businesses that opt to tie in to the system. The City applied for <br />and received a $2 million EDA grant to augment this project during the past year. <br />Water Pollution Control Plant A $50 million expansion is underway to upgrade the Plant, which was <br />constructed in 1939. Scheduled date of completion is July 2014. <br />Streets and Road Projects As part of the City's overall Pavement Management strategy, the <br />rehabilitation of city streets through the construction of overlay, pothole repairs, and various street <br />resurfacing treatments, continue to improve the streets and roads that enhances the City's road <br />quality and durability. <br />Downtown Parking Garage Key to development plans for the downtown is a four story parking <br />garage. A November grand opening in November culminated the construction of the 384 space, <br />LEED certified, four-story parking garage. The new garage will replace an outdated Estudillo garage <br />and is scheduled to install a parking revenue system in early 2013. The garage, which is funded with <br />redevelopment tax increment dollars and constructed by Webcor Builders, is a critical component of <br />the City's award winning Transit Oriented Development (TOD) strategy. Centralized parking <br />encourages downtown retail patrons to park once, walk to multiple destinations and promotes the <br />downtown. The added capacity from the new garage will also facilitate additional mixed use <br />development. <br />San Leandro Kaiser Medical Center, Phase I The initial phase of development consists of a <br />replacement for the existing Kaiser Permanente Hayward hospital with a new San Leandro Kaiser <br />Medical Center. Phase 1 of the Medical Center is under construction and includes a 436,000 square <br />foot, six -story hospital containing up to 264 licensed beds, a 275,000 square foot support building, a <br />central utility plant, and 2,100 surface parking. Construction of the new hospital began in 2010 and <br />will generate 3,000 new construction jobs. The hospital is expected to open in 2014. When <br />complete, the state -of the art hospital will include ten operating rooms, 24-hour emergency <br />services with forty treatment rooms, and a newborn intensive care nursery. A medical office <br />building will house 116 offices for primary care and specialty physicians, an outpatient <br />procedure suite with six rooms, a pharmacy, a laboratory, and radiology services. This is the <br />largest development project in San Leandro's history. <br />COUNCIL FINANCIAL POLICIES <br />Over the years, the San Leandro City Council has followed a series of Financial Values that provide <br />guidance to budget administration, capital financing and debt management - which are also used to <br />guide the budget process. In addition, the City Council adopted, by resolution, specific budget <br />administration guidelines which set out guidance for fund balance designations and reserves <br />management. <br />ix <br />
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