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File Number: 13-618 <br />a very low-income household (50% Area Median Income) at a Low HOME rent (30% of 50% <br />Area Median Income) throughout the 55 -year affordability period. <br />Previous Actions <br />April 6, 2009 - City Council approved the Joint Agreement between the City of San Leandro <br />and the cities of Alameda, Berkeley, Fremont, Livermore, and Union City for participation in <br />the State of California's Neighborhood Stabilization Program. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy 3.01: MIX OF UNIT TYPES <br />• Encourage a mix of residential development types in the City, including single family <br />homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row houses, live -work units, <br />planned unit developments, and multi -family housing. <br />Policy 3.06: HOUSING BY NON-PROFIT DEVELOPERS <br />Promote the participation of non-profit housing organizations in the construction of new <br />affordable housing in San Leandro, with particular emphasis on housing for seniors and <br />working families. <br />Policy 3.07: AMENITIES AND SOCIAL SERVICES WITHIN NEW HOUSING <br />• Encourage new affordable housing development to provide amenities for future residents, <br />such as on-site recreational facilities and community meeting space. Where feasible, <br />consider the integration of social services such as child care within such projects. <br />Policy 53.06: NEW RENTAL HOUSING <br />• Strongly encourage the development of additional rental housing in the City, including both <br />market rate units and affordable units. <br />Environmental Review <br />Pursuant to the National Environmental Protection Act, the appropriate level of environmental <br />review for the proposed 324 Lille Avenue project will be completed prior to the execution of <br />the loan agreements. <br />Legal Analysis <br />This staff report, HOME Loan Agreement and related agreements and documents were <br />reviewed and approved as to form by the City Attorney's Office. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The City currently has a balance of $256,144 in uncommitted HOME funds from previous <br />years. If this resolution is passed and $100,000 in HOME funds is approved, there will be a <br />remaining HOME balance of $156,144. <br />Budget Authority <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 1/28/2014 <br />