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AN City of San Leandro <br />Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 <br />ONR x419" ` Resolution - Council <br />File Number: 13-514 Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Agenda Number: <br />TO: City Council <br />FROM: Chris Zapata <br />City Manager <br />BY: Uchenna Udemezue <br />Engineering & Transportation Director <br />FINANCE REVIEW: David Baum <br />Finance Director <br />TITLE: RESOLUTION Approving Parcel Map 9875 for 500 Davis Street; Assessor's <br />Parcel Numbers 075-0036-059-00 and 075-0036-0060-00; Owner, Subdivider, <br />and Applicant: Creekside Plaza Partners LLC (provides for the approval of <br />Parcel Map 9875 for 500 Davis Street) <br />WHEREAS, a parcel map entitled "Parcel Map 9875, City of San Leandro, Alameda <br />County, California" has been submitted to this Council; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Leandro finds that the proposed map, <br />together with the provisions for its design and improvement, is consistent with the General <br />Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Engineer provides that said parcel map is technically correct, and <br />that the subdivider has complied with the provisions of Title VII, Chapter 1 of the San Leandro <br />Municipal Code and with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Planner's Report for Parcel Map 9875 is incorporated herein by <br />this reference. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br />follows: <br />1. That said Parcel Map 9875 is categorically exempt from the environmental review <br />requirement of CEQA, under Title 5, Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Administrative Code. <br />2. That said Parcel Map 9875 is hereby approved, subject to the conditions listed in <br />Exhibit A attached hereto. <br />City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed on 2/25/2014 <br />