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A <br />SAN I CITY OF SAN LEANDRO - PERSONNEL RELATIONS BOARD <br />t i �p MINUTES <br />U O Regular Meeting <br />Thursday, January 16, 2014 <br />ti City Hall, Human Resources Conference Room <br />O'?PORASO Second Floor, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, California <br />CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson O. B. Badger called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. <br />ROLL CALL: LaTanya Bellow, Human Resources Manager and Executive Secretary, called the roll. <br />BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson O. B. Badger, Vice -Chairperson Louis Heystek, <br />Members James Browne, and Pete Ballew. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no members of the public at the meeting. <br />I. MINUTES: The minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 17, 2013. <br />M I S I P (Browne/Heystek) to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 17, 2013. <br />II. ADOPTION/REVISION OF CLASSIFICATIONS: Secretary Bellow noted for the record that the <br />following staff was present: Captain Greg Lemmon, San Leandro Police Department. Captain Lemmon <br />was present to respond to questions regarding the two (2) new classifications being brought to the <br />Personnel Relations Board, Senior Public Safety Dispatcher and Public Safety Dispatcher Supervisor. <br />Secretary Bellow explained, that the Police Chief requested the review and approval of these two <br />classifications to address supervisory issues within the Police Department. The Administrative Specialist <br />Police position has been providing supervision over the communications center, jail and records divisions. <br />The Senior Public Safety Dispatcher will provide technical and functional supervision over assigned <br />personnel. The Public Safety Dispatcher Supervisor will provide first-line supervision responsibilities of <br />assigned personnel. These positions will require supervisors to have more training in their respective field <br />of supervision, provide more career depth, scope and advancement within their division. <br />Captain Lemmon added that the Sr. Public Safety Dispatcher will act as the Supervisor in the absence of <br />the Public Safety Dispatcher Supervisor. He also noted that during a recent POST audit, it was indicated <br />that some employees had been working out of class. These new classifications will help address the POST <br />audit findings. <br />M I S I P (Ballew/Brown) to adopt the new Senior Public Safety Dispatcher and Public Safety <br />Dispatcher Supervisor classifications. <br />III. ADOPTION OF AMENDED PERSONNEL RULES: Secretary Bellow reported that the Personnel <br />Rules were being reviewed to make the necessary corrections, additions or updates to ensure <br />compliance with City Policies and the law. Previously, the Board reviewed Rules I -VIII with Rules <br />IX -XV being brought forth for review and adoption at this time. The final Rules, XVI and XVII will <br />be reviewed when the Rules are brought back for final adoption. <br />A brief discussion ensued regarding Rule IX, Probationary Period. Chair Badger asked about the <br />probationary period for an employee called out on military duty and if that duty would count towards <br />the probationary period. Secretary Bellow responded that military time does not count towards service <br />with the City. If an employee is called out on military duty during their probationary period, the clock <br />stops while gone and restarts when he/she returns. <br />A question was raised regarding Acting/Interim Assignments in Rule XI. Secretary Bellow explained <br />that Acting assignments are for positions that are currently filled, but the employee may be out on <br />leave. The position is usually filled temporarily by a lower level employee, performing a substantial <br />portion of the duties. An Interim assignment is for a vacant position that is in need of being filled <br />while the recruitment process is taking place. In response to Member Ballew's question, Secretary <br />Bellow noted that Acting assignments are limited in duration, 6 months or less. If an extension is <br />needed, the assignment will be reviewed before being renewed. <br />G:\PRB\Minutes\2014\1.16.14 Meeting Minutes.docx <br />