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File Number: 14-060 <br />the District would continue to maintain "Burrell Field", consisting of the synthetic field, <br />all-weather track, bleachers, concessions building, ticket building, the main restroom building <br />(except when used by the City), and the two team rooms (except for restrooms in Building 5, <br />during the City's use). <br />In previous presentations, the City Council was provided several maintenance plans and <br />estimates. Those presentations represented staff's best estimates, given the project <br />information known prior to the start of construction. Because a water well was built into the <br />project (to be used on the two PSC ball fields, the site landscaping, and the City's adjacent <br />San Leandro Ball Park), staff anticipates that net new maintenance costs will be partially or <br />possibly even entirely off -set by utility savings. <br />The term of the agreement is three years, which will allow both parties to gather two years' <br />worth of usage and utility data, and to assess the terms of the JUA in terms of impacts to both <br />parties. Staff also notes for the City Council Section 8.2, which mentions and comments upon <br />the establishment of a Sinking Fund for monies to be used exclusively for Burrell Field and <br />PSC on-going maintenance, operations, marketing, and capital replacement costs. This <br />version of the JUA would have to be amended to provide further details on such a Fund. <br />Previous Actions <br />• Resolution 74-14 approved an agreement between the San Leandro Unified School <br />District and the City for field and recreational facilities of Pacific High School <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Goal 24: Aggressively pursue additional agreements with the School Districts, the Boys <br />and Girls Club, and other agencies and organizations to ensure that San Leandro's open <br />spaces and recreational facilities are available for public use. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Maintenance of park facilities and District -owned ball fields that are under a maintenance <br />agreement are funded by General Fund monies, located within the Public Works <br />Department's operating budget. Staff anticipates that maintenance for the PSC provided by <br />the City under the terms of the JUA will be paid through existing budgeted funds. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />Attachment(s) to Resolution <br />• Joint Use Agreement <br />PREPARED BY: Debbie Pollart, Public Works Director, Public Works Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 2125/2014 <br />