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coordinated within the City's Planning, Building & Safety Services, Engineering & <br />Transportation, Public Works Departments, and the City Council. <br />Commercial revitalization efforts, furthermore, will continue through the City's Office of <br />Business Development (OBD) staff. OBD staff work closely with CDBG staff, local business <br />organizations (such as the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Association), <br />surrounding communities, and various other economic development organizations to better <br />address and determine the City's future economic and job needs. <br />Provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction's activities to enhance coordination between <br />public and assisted housing providers and private and governmental health, mental health <br />and service agencies (91.215(1)) <br />(ThisaectionZ5[CurrentlybeingCdevisedbyTIaineMeColigny,CExecutiveMirectorlbf fveryOneglome.] <br />Everyone Home activities to address the housing needs of the homeless, and extremely low- <br />income persons with serious mental illness and/or those living with HIV/AIDS center on the <br />implementation of the Everyone Home Plan. Planning efforts began in 2004 as a unique <br />collaboration among community stakeholders, cities and Alameda County government agencies <br />representing three separate care systems — homeless services, HIV/AIDS services, and mental <br />health services — that share overlapping client populations and a recognition that stable <br />housing is a critical cornerstone to the health and well-being of homeless and at -risk people, <br />and our communities. Since its publication in 2006 the Plan has been adopted by the Alameda <br />County Board of Supervisors and all fourteen (14) cities, including San Leandro, and endorsed <br />by numerous community organizations. <br />Implementation of the EveryOne Home Plan is spearheaded by a community-based <br />organization of the same name. It is guided by a Leadership Board comprised of jurisdictional <br />appointed members and key community constituencies such as consumers, cities, nonprofit <br />service providers and housing developers, businesses, law enforcement, housing authorities, <br />and faith -based organizations. <br />Everyone Home envisions a system of housing and services in Alameda County that, by 2020, <br />ensures all extremely low-income residents have a safe, supportive and permanent place to call <br />home with services available to help them stay housed and improve the quality of their <br />lives. Everyone Home partners are working on five core strategies: <br />1) Prevent homelessness and other housing crises; 2) Increase housing opportunities for <br />homeless and extremely low-income households; 3) Deliver flexible services to support stability <br />and independence; 4) Measure success and report outcomes and 5)Develop long-term <br />leadership and build political will. <br />Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction's area in <br />determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standards for and evaluate <br />outcomes of projects and activities assisted by ESG funds, and develop funding, policies and <br />procedures for the operation and administration of HMIS <br />[ThisaectionMslturrentlybeing[devisedbyTIaineMeColigny,TxecutiveDirectoaj[fveryOneWome.] <br />DRAFT City of San Leandro Annual Action Plan 6 <br />2014 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)P, <br />