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File Number: 14-064 <br />There are three major goals identified for the funds under the Housing and Community <br />Development Act from which the CDBG Program originated: <br />• Provide decent housing <br />• Provide a suitable living environment <br />• Expand economic opportunity <br />In addition, CDBG funds must be used to meet one of three national objectives: <br />1) benefit low- and moderate -income persons, <br />2) aid in the prevention of slum and blight, or <br />3) meet an urgent need. <br />HOME funds, meanwhile, must be used specifically for housing opportunities for low- and <br />moderate -income persons. <br />The City anticipates receiving approximately $649,471 in CDBG funds. In addition, the City <br />anticipates receiving approximately $144,275 in new HOME funds available for general <br />administration and affordable housing projects as part of the Alameda County HOME <br />Consortium. <br />Citizen Participation Process <br />HUD Consolidated Plan regulations require and provide guidelines for the City to develop a <br />citizen participation plan that governs the public input and noticing process for creating the <br />consolidated plan and subsequent annual action plans. The goal of the citizen participation <br />plan is to encourage broader public involvement in the planning and allocation of CDBG and <br />HOME funds and implementation of related programs. A minimum of two (2) public hearings <br />are required with at least one (1) hearing held before the Draft FY 2014-2015 Annual Action <br />Plan is published for public comment. After tonight's public hearing, a summary of the draft <br />Annual Action Plan will be published in the Daily Review newspaper and will be available for <br />review at publicly accessible locations. Copies of the Draft FY 2014-2015 Annual Action Plan <br />must be available for review at the City Clerk's office and the City's Community Development <br />Department, both of which are located in City Hall; at the Main Library; and on the City's <br />website at The second public hearing <br />will be held May 5, 2014, at which time the City Council should consider approval of the final <br />Plan. <br />Analysis <br />The Draft FY 2014-2015 Annual Action Plan outlines the proposed activities, objectives, and <br />budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Attachment A summarizes the FY 2014-2015 proposed <br />activities and funding amounts. Attachment B contains the Draft FY 2014-2015 Annual Action <br />Plan. The Annual Action Plan includes information on funding resources for housing and <br />community development activities, a description of activities to be undertaken during FY <br />2014-2015, and other actions that the City will take to address issues such as barriers to <br />affordable housing, anti -poverty strategies, and lead-based paint hazards. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 3/11/2014 <br />