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File Number: 13-629 <br />within the City serves the public interest by encouraging businesses, including small and <br />nonprofit businesses, to locate, hire residents and remain in San Leandro. <br />(2) Investment in San Leandro businesses is important to sustain and expand regional <br />partnerships that connect workforce and local business participation, a vibrant arts community <br />and educational development. <br />(3) It is a goal of this ordinance to encourage the enactment of legislation that mandates <br />setting aside a percentage of the City's budget for all projects developed or built by the City <br />for workforce training, local employment and the arts. <br />(4) Because many San Leandro businesses are small and may not have the resources, <br />capability or experience to act as a prime contractor or to provide specialty services, it shall be <br />a policy of the City of San Leandro to encourage qualified prime contractors to use San <br />Leandro businesses, including small businesses and nonprofit organizations, as <br />subcontractors and suppliers to participate in City projects and purchases and gain <br />experience in a way that will enhance their ability to eventually compete for contracts as prime <br />contractors. <br />(c) Definitions. <br />(1) "Contract" means any contract or agreement between the City and a person to provide or <br />procure labor, goods, materials, equipment, furnishing, supplies or services to, for or on behalf <br />of the City. Except as otherwise specifically defined in this section a contract does not <br />include: <br />(i) Awards made by the City with federal or state grant monies or City general fund <br />grants to a nonprofit entity where the City offers assistance, guidance or supervision on a <br />project or program and the recipient of the grant award uses the monies to provide services to <br />the community; <br />(ii) Contracts wherein the funding or monies available for the project, service or <br />procurement, whether for the whole or a portion of the project's scope, are restricted by the <br />funder, donor or grantor, whether as to amount, use or otherwise; <br />(iii) Sales transactions where the City sells its personal or real property; <br />(iv) Gifts of materials, equipment, supplies or services to the City; <br />(v) Contracts exempted from the provisions of Chapter 1-6 of the San Leandro <br />Municipal Code; or <br />(vi) Contracts that would violate any State or Federal law or grant requirements. <br />(2) "Contract Awarding Authority" or "CAA" means the City officer, department, employee or <br />legislative body authorized and empowered by law to enter into contracts on behalf of the <br />City. In the case of an agreement with a prime contractor to perform or fund the performance <br />of construction related services, the term "contract awarding authority" or "CAA" shall mean <br />the prime contractor receiving funds from the City to perform or fund the performance of such <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 3/11/2014 <br />