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Public Planning Workshop Held on February 1, 2014 <br />Workshop Report Management Partners <br />• Debbie Pollart, Public Works Director <br />• Uche Udemezue, Engineering and Transportation Director <br />• LaTanya Bellow, Human Resources Manager <br />• Marian Handa, City Clerk <br />• Dan Benfield, Alameda County Fire Division Chief <br />Workshop Objectives <br />1. Council discussion of accomplishments, threats and opportunities <br />2. Council understanding of City's financial outlook <br />3. Opportunity for public input on key issues <br />Workshop Agenda <br />1. Council/department head discussion of accomplishments over the <br />last year <br />2. Financial overview and discussion <br />3. Council discussion of challenges and opportunities for 2014 <br />4. Provide results of community survey <br />5. Council discussion of community survey <br />6. Affirm city council goals <br />7. Public comments <br />8. Wrap up and evaluation <br />Retreat Ground Rules <br />At the start of the workshop, the facilitator suggested several ground <br />rules to help the group have a successful workshop and achieve the <br />results they intended to achieve through their time together. <br />• Listen to each other <br />• Respect each other's opinion <br />• Stay on track <br />• No interrupting <br />• Be succinct <br />Retreat Preparation <br />To prepare for the retreat, facilitator Linda Barton conducted individual <br />interviews with the Mayor and each Councilmember to receive input on <br />existing and potential City priorities and to hear comments about what <br />would constitute a productive workshop and what they hoped to <br />accomplish during the workshop. Linda also met with the City Manager <br />and the Assistant City Manager to discuss workshop priorities and goals. <br />2 <br />