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Public Planning Workshop Held on February 1, 2014 <br />Workshop Report Management Partners <br />During these meetings, interview participants were asked the following <br />questions: <br />1. Of which accomplishment in the last year are you most proud? <br />2. Of the goals established at the workshop last year, which do you <br />think has had the most significant progress? <br />3. What is not going well with the current City Council processes? <br />Are there specific processes you would like to discuss for possible <br />change and improvement? If so, what are they? <br />4. Are there topics that you believe should be on the agenda for the <br />February workshop? If so, what are they? <br />A summary of interview responses is included in Attachment A. <br />City Accomplishments <br />To begin the workshop, facilitator Linda Barton had participants divide <br />into small groups to discuss the list of accomplishments consolidated <br />from interviews with the Mayor and Councilmembers. The top <br />accomplishments for 2013 were the following: <br />• Overall management of the City <br />• Better use of resources <br />• Transforming San Leandro into a center for innovation has <br />become a priority <br />• Organization is on a path towards fiscal sustainability <br />• The City provides numerous quality of life programs <br />• Various development projects are now coming on line <br />• A revitalized local economy and business climate <br />• Unemployment rates have significantly decreased <br />• The City has forged partnerships with the schools and the <br />Alameda health district <br />• Community engagement has increased <br />• Keeping crime rates in check <br />• A budget surplus was achieved <br />• Labor agreements were adopted <br />• Workers compensation savings have been achieved <br />Financial Overview <br />To provide context to the discussion on priorities, Finance Director David <br />Baum gave a presentation on San Leandro's financial condition. San <br />Leandro's assessed values and sales tax revenues are rising. There remain <br />3 <br />