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(5) "Person" means one or more individuals, partnerships, associations, organizations, trade or <br /> professional associations; corporations, nonprofit organizations, and cooperatives. <br /> (6) "San Leandro business" means any business which possesses or establishes all of the <br /> following at least six (6) months before bids or proposals are opened by the City. Such a business <br /> will be subject to monitoring to prove validity of the following: <br /> (i) A written agreement for City occupancy or proof of ownership of a San Leandro <br /> office; <br /> (ii) Proof that business is transacted or revenue generated in an office located in San <br /> Leandro; <br /> (iii) A conspicuously displayed business sign at the San Leandro business premises <br /> except where the business operates out of a residence; <br /> (iv) Proof that the office is appropriately equipped for the type of business for which <br /> certification as a San Leandro business is sought. Where equipment, such as computer and <br /> reproduction and communications machines are typically and routinely used in a non-San <br /> Leandro location, comparable equipment shall be installed and routinely used at the San Leandro <br /> office; <br /> (v) A valid City of San Leandro business license. <br /> (d) Contracts Subject to this Ordinance <br /> The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the following categories of contracts awarded by the <br /> City: <br /> (1) Construction and Public Works Contracts awarded to Prime Contractors valued at or above <br /> one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00); <br /> (2) Professional and Non-Professional Service Contracts valued at or above twenty-five <br /> thousand dollars ($25,000.00); <br /> (3) Contracts for the procurement of goods, materials, equipment, furnishings or supplies valued <br /> at or above five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). <br /> With respect to special services and professional personal services contracts, no provision or <br /> requirement of this ordinance shall supersede or pre-empt the City's powers to contract with and <br /> employ any persons for the furnishing to the City special services as described in California <br /> Government Code section 53060, and California Government Code section 4526, including but <br /> not limited to advice in financial, economic, accounting, engineering, legal or administrative <br /> matters if such persons are specially trained and experienced and competent to perform the <br /> special services required. The City shall have the sole discretion to determine what bases of <br /> competence and professional qualifications are necessary for the satisfactory performance of the <br /> services required. <br /> ORDINANCE NO.2014-001 3 <br />