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City Council Draft Minutes <br />5. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />March 17, 2014 <br />Ronald Jones, jointed by several members of the California State and National <br />associations of letter carriers, commented regarding proposals by the US Postal <br />Service to end Saturday postal delivery, eliminate door-to-door service, and close <br />post offices on Saturday. Mr. Jones provided the Council with a proposed resolution, <br />for which he requested the Council's support. <br />Charles Gonzalez, a letter carrier in San Leandro since 1986, spoke regarding the <br />importance of door-to-door, six-day delivery as a service to the elderly, and as <br />employment to military veterans. <br />Richard Becker, retired San Leandro letter carrier, commented regarding the benefits <br />of expanding, rather than reducing, postal service. <br />Dan Dillman commented on recent entertainment events at the BAL Theatre. Mr. <br />Dillman mentioned his new position as president of Curtain Call Performing Arts, and <br />his efforts to promote the arts and entertainment in San Leandro. <br />Margarita Lacabe commented on a Consent Calendar item related to proposed <br />amendments to the smoking ordinance that were removed from the City Council <br />agenda. Ms. Lacabe stated that residents should be informed, and be invited to <br />speak, about issues that would affect their personal rights. <br />Don Siefkes, representing the Broadmoor Neighborhood Association, commented on <br />a dangerous traffic condition at the intersection of Dowling Boulevard and Bancroft <br />Avenue. Mr. Siefkes, on behalf of the BNA, requested the City install a traffic light at <br />the intersection. <br />Guillermo Elenes expressed concern regarding the placement on the Consent <br />Calendar of the agenda item related to the smoking ordinance amendments. As a <br />medical marijuana user with glaucoma, Mr. Elenes commented that he is anxiously <br />awaiting a dispensary in San Leandro. <br />With the consensus of the City Council, Item 12.A. was moved to this point on <br />the agenda. <br />12.A. 14-090 Update by City Council Ad Hoc Committee on Flag Raising and Staff <br />Report for Proposed Amendments to San Leandro Administrative <br />Code Chapter 1.7 on Flag Policy <br />Comments were made by the following individuals: Mike Katz-Lacabe, Margarita <br />Lacabe, Rosemary Lake, Keith Foster, Tenzin Rangdol, Tsering Choden Lama, Dawa <br />Yangchen, Tenzing Dolma, Giovanni Vassallo, Dana Myers, Rinchen Dorjay, <br />Tsewang Khangsar, Tsering Lhakey, Kunchok Tashi, Nancy Sue Ardell, Kesang <br />Dolma, Leo T. West, Dan Dillman, Qiuxian Hao—(through interpreter), Bao Yun Li <br />—(through interpreter), Samuel Zhang, Jim Olson, David Erlich, Zhitao Li, Steven <br />Leung, Ed Collaco, Martin Wong, Suifei Huan, Judy Qi, D.J. Evans, Guillermo <br />Elenes, and Dawn Casasola. <br />14-113 MOTION Directing Staff to Amend the Existing Policy as <br />Recommended by the City Manager, and Directing the City Manager <br />to Develop Procedures for Reviewing and Processing Requests to <br />Raise Special Designation Flags or Flags of Foreign Nations <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 3/2412014 <br />