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• Providing relevant training to prevent injuries <br />Third Party Administrator <br />The City currently contracts with a Third Party Administrator (TPA), York Risk Services Group, to <br />administer the workers' compensation program at a cost of $118,800 per year. The TPA's <br />responsibility is to manage, track, and process payments for all claims reported. Effective claims <br />management consists of employing industry best practices to develop and implement policies and <br />procedures to ensure timely review, response, and the facilitation of quality care to injured workers in <br />a cost-effective manner. The role of the TPA is essential because the TPA provides business solutions <br />to help the City implement programs to prevent injuries, control and manage costs of injuries and to <br />monitor the effectiveness of program related services and procedures. <br />The City has used York Risk Services Group, formerly Bragg and Associates, since 1998. In an effort to <br />ensure that the City is receiving the most effective claims management and cost, and injured <br />employees are receiving quality service, staff is conducting a competitive bid process for services. The <br />Request for Proposal was released on February 10, 2014 and staff anticipates presenting a <br />recommendation to the City Council in May 2014. <br />Return to Work Program <br />The California State Department of Industrial Relations states that helping an injured worker to return <br />to work is one of the most important things an employer can do to help the employee recover and to <br />minimize the worker's compensation costs. Studies have also shown that injured employees recover <br />faster when they are returned to work. The longer the employee is off work after an injury, the harder <br />it may be for them to return to work. By staying engaged at work, employees maintain the social, <br />physical, and emotional connections to the workplace. <br />An early return to work program can significantly reduce costs for temporary disability, lower medical <br />expenses, and shorten the claim duration. In FY 2011-12, the number of lost days was approximately <br />702. In FY 2012-13, the number of lost days was 2,019 and in FY 2013-14 this number is 1,144 to date. <br />The following table depicts the time lost and the equivalent cost paid to employees for the past seven <br />years: <br />Fiscal Year <br /># of <br />Claims <br />Incurred Costs <br />for Time Lost <br />2006-2007 <br />19 <br />$ 210,868 <br />2007-2008 <br />18 <br />$ 131,533 <br />2008-2009 <br />14 <br />$ 397,503 <br />2009-2010 <br />38 <br />$ 1,090,004 <br />2010-2011 <br />19 <br />$ 420,832 <br />2011-2012 <br />26 <br />$ 1,608,267 <br />2012-2013 <br />21 <br />$ 562,514 <br />Grand Total <br />155 <br />$ 4,421,520 <br />