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department scheduled safety training that specifically addressed proper lifting techniques, ladder and <br />stair safety, identifying hazards, and tips for prevention. <br />The Human Resources department also plans to begin incorporating recognition into our City's safety <br />program. Safety recognition can help increase and promote safety awareness among employees <br />thereby helping to control worker's compensation claims. For example, the City went 30 days without <br />an incident or accident between the dates of December 5, 2013 and January 15, 2014. This seemingly <br />small milestone was recognized in a thank you card to departments acknowledging their efforts to <br />keep our work place safe. <br />Quality of Medical care <br />The City also ensures that injured employees are receiving quality care from the medical clinics <br />designated for work-related injuries and illnesses. Employees have the choice of going to Concentra <br />and Kaiser -on -the -Job for medical treatment, which are the contracted clinics for work-related injuries, <br />or employees may pre -designate a personal physician. In 2013, Human Resources staff met with <br />Concentra staff and physicians on two occasions. The City discussed the level of services expected, <br />which included a reasonable wait time for treatment, timely diagnosis of an employee's condition, and <br />prompt communication on an employee's work status. <br />Human Resources staff continues to monitor the satisfaction of employees in using the contracted <br />clinics, and will be scheduling follow up meetings with both Concentra and Kaiser in the near future. <br />FUTURE PROGRAM GOALS <br />Despite the challenge of unpredictable increases in salary continuation and medical costs, the Workers' <br />Compensation program is demonstrating an overall trend of decreased expenses and improved <br />communication and services over the last two fiscal years. Implementing the initiatives outlined above <br />has improved the program and decreased costs, but there is still opportunity for continued <br />improvement. For FY 2014, staff established the following program goals: <br />• Reduce total expenses. <br />• Reduce the number of new claims through prevention and training strategies. <br />• Reduce total claims inventory through timely settlement and closure of existing claims. <br />• Reduce lost time through the effective use of Return to Work Program strategies. <br />• Have at least two HR staff trained to be certified to perform ergonomic evaluations. <br />Decreasing incurred costs, number of claims, and lost time reflect safer practices, decreased severity of <br />injury, and strategic case management. The Human Resources Department will continue to assess, <br />recommend, and implement program enhancements within existing budget authority. As such, any <br />associated operating expenses will not impact the General Fund. <br />