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File Number: 14-071 <br />intersections in the City. The City pays the cost for the installation of the handicap curb <br />ramps, including any sidewalk repairs along the frontage of City facilities, and the sidewalk <br />within a curb return. <br />Analysis <br />The City Council awarded the construction contract to Rosas Brothers Construction on <br />November 5, 2012. Through this contract, the City was able to achieve notable upgrades to its <br />infrastructure at about 250 locations throughout the City, including the downtown area. The <br />project replaced approximately 2,500 linear feet of curb and gutter, 9,300 square feet of <br />sidewalk, 3,200 square feet of driveway approach, installed 46 handicap ramps and <br />completed other minor concrete -related repairs. The work was inspected and is in <br />compliance with the construction documents and City Standards. <br />Previous Actions <br />• On September 4, 2012, by Resolution No. 12-401, the City Council approved the plans <br />and specifications and called for bids for the subject project <br />• On November 5, 2012, by Resolution No. 12-490, the City Council awarded the <br />construction contract to Rosas Brothers Construction for the subject project <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy No. 14.07 - Pedestrian Environment; Strive to achieve a more comfortable environment <br />for pedestrians in all areas of San Leandro. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project was categorically exempt under CEQA pursuant to California Public Resources <br />Code section 15301(c). <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total cost of the project, including staff administration and inspection costs was $516,567. <br />The cost of the construction contract was as follows: <br />Original Contract $274,665.00 <br />Contract Change Orders $ 90,555.10 <br />Total Contract Amount $365,220.10 <br />Budget Authority <br />• $433,460 was provided by Measure B fund allocations as follows: <br />o $76,182 of Measure B Bicycle & Pedestrian funds in the Annual Sidewalk <br />Program account number 144-36-006 <br />o $357,278 of Measure B Streets & Roads funds in the Annual Sidewalk Program <br />account number 144-38-006 <br />• $31,139 was provided by CBDG funds in account number 165-38-233 <br />• $51,968 was provided by TDA funds in account 150-36-332 <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 411/2014 <br />