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the City, county or other local taxing authority having jurisdiction. The provisions of this Section shall <br />survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. <br />10. PARKING. City shall have non-exclusive use of the parking area identified in Exhibit "A" as Parking Lot "A", <br />and Parking Lot B. City may instruct its visitors, invitees, guests and third party users to park in Parking <br />Lots A and B. City shall not abandon any inoperative vehicles or equipment on any portion of the Pacific <br />Sports Complex. District shall not be liable for any personal injury suffered by City or City's visitors, <br />invitees, guests or third party users for any damage to or destruction or loss of any personal property <br />located or stored in Parking Lots A and B, or the Pacific Sports Complex. City accepts Parking Lots A and B <br />"as is" and City acknowledges that District has not made and is not making any warranties whatsoever <br />with respect to the parking. <br />11. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CITY'S USE OF PACIFIC SPORTS COMPLEX <br />11.1. The Recreational Facilities located on the Pacific Sports Complex and identified in Exhibit "A", are <br />provided to City on an "AS IS" basis, except as more fully identified herein or in any attachment <br />that references this section or subsection, in which case those facilities explicitly identified shall <br />be provided and accepted by City upon completion or satisfaction of the relevant condition. <br />District shall not be required to make or construct any alterations, unless mutually agreed upon <br />by the parties, including structural changes, additions or improvements to the Pacific Sports <br />Complex for City's Use, as mutually agreed upon <br />11.2. City further acknowledges that neither District nor District's agents have made any <br />representation or warranty as to the suitability of the Pacific Sports Complex for the conduct of <br />City's Use. Any agreements, warranties or representations not expressly contained in this <br />Agreement shall in no way bind the District, and the City expressly waives all claims for damages <br />by reason of any statement, representation, warranty, promise or agreement, if any, not <br />contained in this Agreement. <br />11.3. City shall not use the Pacific Sports Complex for any use other than that specified in this <br />Agreement without the prior written consent of District. <br />11.4. City shall not use or permit the Pacific Sports Complex to be used in whole or in part during the <br />term of this Agreement for any purpose or use in violation of any laws or ordinances applicable <br />thereto. <br />11.5. City shall not commit or suffer to be committed, any waste upon the Pacific Sports Complex, or <br />allow any sale by auction upon the Pacific Sports Complex, or allow the Pacific Sports Complex to <br />be used for any unlawful purpose, or place any loads upon any facilities within the Pacific Sports <br />Complex that endanger the structure, or place any harmful liquids in the plumbing, sewer or <br />storm water drainage system of the Pacific Sports Complex. No waste materials or refuse shall <br />be dumped upon or permitted to remain upon any part of the Pacific Sports Complex except in <br />trash containers designated for that purpose. <br />11.6. Any uses which involve the serving and/or sale of alcoholic beverages and the conducting of <br />games of chance are prohibited on the Pacific Sports Complex. City shall at all times comply with <br />District -wide policy prohibiting the use of tobacco products on the Pacific Sports Complex. <br />11.7. City shall furnish and supply the expendable materials, supplies and equipment necessary for <br />City's Use of the Pacific Sports Complex. <br />11.8. City shall not use or permit the use of the Pacific Sports Complex or any part thereof for any <br />purpose which is inimical to public morals and welfare or morally objectionable as unsuitable for <br />Community Recreation Act Joint Use Agreement- SLUSD- City of San Leandro <br />5 <br />