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16.3. City's contractor must be approved in advance by District. All contractors and subcontractors of <br />City, if any, shall be duly licensed in the State of California. City shall be solely responsible for <br />maintaining City's Improvements installed thereon during the Term of this Agreement. <br />16.4. Under all circumstances, City must seek and receive necessary approvals from the Division of the <br />State Architect for any City Improvements and pay all applicable fees associated with permitting <br />requirements. <br />16.5. On or before the expiration of this Agreement, or within thirty (30) days after any earlier <br />termination of this Agreement, City shall remove City's Improvements, at its sole expense. City <br />shall repair any damage to the Pacific Sports Complex caused by removal of City's Improvements <br />and restore the Pacific Sports Complex to good condition, less ordinary wear and tear. In the <br />event that City fails to timely remove City's Improvements, District, upon fifteen (15) days <br />written notice, may either (1) accept ownership of City's Improvements with no cost to District, <br />or (2) remove City's Improvements at City's sole cost. In the event that District chooses to accept <br />ownership of City's Improvements, City shall execute any necessary documents to effectuate the <br />change in ownership of City's Improvements. In the event that District removes City's <br />Improvements, City shall pay all invoices for the removal of City's Improvements within thirty <br />(30) days of receipt of such invoices. <br />17. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARTIES. During the Term of this Agreement, designated District and City staff <br />shall meet annually at a time that is mutually agreed upon to jointly analyze each Party's respective uses <br />of the Pacific Sports Complex. Any mutually agreed upon revisions to the terms and conditions of this <br />Agreement shall be committed to writing and approved by each Party. <br />17.1. Each Party shall designate one contact person to maintain records and be the point of contact for <br />each Party. Each Party shall notify the other in the event the Party's contact person changes. <br />Such notification shall be in the same manner provided in this Agreement in the section entitled <br />"Notices." <br />18. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS <br />18.1. City shall at City's expense comply with all requirements of all governmental authorities, in force <br />either now or in the future, affecting the Pacific Sports Complex, and shall faithfully observe in <br />City's Use of the Pacific Sports Complex all laws, regulations and ordinances of these authorities, <br />in force either now or in the future including, without limitation, all applicable federal, state and <br />local laws, regulations, and ordinances pertaining to air and water quality, hazardous material, <br />waste disposal, air emission and other environmental matters (including the California <br />Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and its implementing regulations in its use of the Pacific <br />Sports Complex), and all District policies, rules and regulations. <br />18.2. The judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction that City violated any law or regulation or <br />ordinance in City s use of the Pacific Sports Complex shall be considered conclusive evidence of <br />that fact as between District and City. If City fails to comply with any such law, regulation or <br />ordinance, District reserves the right to take necessary remedial measures at City's expense, for <br />which City agrees to reimburse District on demand. <br />18.3. City shall not cause or permit any Hazardous Material to be generated, brought onto, used, <br />stored, or disposed of in or about the Pacific Sports Complex and any improvements by City or its <br />agents, employees, contractors, third party users, or invitees, except for limited quantities of <br />standard office, and janitorial supplies (which shall be used and stored in strict compliance with <br />Environmental Laws). City shall comply with all Environmental Laws. As used herein, the term <br />"Hazardous Materials" means any hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste which is or <br />becomes regulated by any local governmental authority, the State of California or the United <br />Community Recreation Act Joint Use Agreement- SLUSD- City of San Leandro <br />7 <br />