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File Number: 14-129 <br />·November 4, 2013 - City Council Public Hearing reviewing draft ordinance <br />·December 2, 2013 - City Council Public Hearing reviewing and approving draft <br />ordinance; adopted on December 16, 2013. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The 2002 General Plan states that “the San Leandro General Plan aspires to reshape the <br />industrial areas of West and Central San Leandro to meet the demands of the new economy .” <br />Furthermore, the General Plan states that “the guiding objectives in the City’s large business <br />districts are to promote business retention and diversification;” and to “locate the most <br />intensive industrial uses in the areas that are furthest away from residential neighborhoods.” <br />For the General Commercial designation (underlying the CC zoning), the General Plan states <br />that the designation is “characterized by…commercial uses providing a broader range of <br />goods and services and serving a broader market than the neighborhood commercial areas” <br />(General Plan, page 3-11.) In both Light Industrial and General Industrial designations <br />(underlying the IG and IP zoning ), the General Plan states that “Allowances for retail stores <br />within these areas is guided by General Plan Policy” (General Plan, page 3-12.) <br />The 2002 update of the General Plan did not contemplate this newly defined Medical <br />Marijuana Dispensary use. As such, no policies exist to specifically encourage this use. <br />However, the following broad policies in the General Plan support the introduction of a <br />Medical Marijuana Dispensary, to the extent that this new use will promote economic diversity, <br />re-use and adaptation of industrial and commercial buildings and job opportunities: <br />·Policy 7.02 Economic Diversity - Promote economic diversity and the growth of new <br />and emerging industries. Target businesses that will provide higher-paying jobs for San <br />Leandro residents. <br />·Policy 8.02 Retail Diversity - Encourage a diverse range of commercial uses in the <br />City, offering goods and services that fully meet the needs of San Leandro residents <br />and businesses. <br />·Policy 10.01 Reuse of Older Buildings - Support the reuse of underused, vacant or <br />obsolete industrial/commercial buildings with higher value uses that are consistent with the <br />goals and policies of the General Plan. <br />·Policy 12.03 Job Opportunities for Residents - Promote opportunities for San <br />Leandro residents to find suitable employment within the community… <br />The proposed amendments to the Zoning Code would maintain San Leandro industrial and <br />commercial districts through the Conditional Use Permit process and strict regulations as <br />allowed by State law, while creating more opportunities for San Leandro residents to access <br />retail medical marijuana outlets and to engage in innovative new employment. <br />Environmental Review <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/16/2014