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Recommended Conditions of Approval February 20, 2014 <br />PLN2013-00045; 1333 Martinez Street Page 10 of 20 <br />The developer’s environmental consultant shall approve the use of imported <br />fill. <br /> <br />10. Mitigation Measure #10: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project <br />applicant must prepare and implement an erosion and sediment control plan <br />(ESCP) including interim and permanent erosion and sediment control measures, <br />and a pollutant control plan (PCP). <br /> <br />11. Mitigation Measure #11: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project <br />applicant shall file the required documentation to the State Water Resources <br />Quality Board and prepare a Storm Water Pollutant Prevention Plan (SWPPP) <br />which will be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. The City Engineer <br />must conduct inspections prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy, to ensure that <br />requirements are complied with. <br /> <br />12. Mitigation Measure #12: The applicant will comply with applicable waste <br />discharge requirements and municipal code requirements including preparation of <br />a SWPPP for construction activities and compliance with the Alameda <br />Countywide Clean Water Program (ACCWP). These permit programs are <br />designed to prevent violation of water quality standards through mitigation and <br />control of pollutant transport in storm water runoff and infiltrating waters. The <br />City of San Leandro Municipal Code ensures that permit conditions are met. <br /> <br />13. Mitigation Measure #13: Applicant shall be required to demonstrate adequacy <br />of the existing storm drain system to handle existing run-off from the drainage <br />basin as well as run-off from the project, upgrade the storm drain system to handle <br />existing run-off from the drainage basin as well as run-off from the project, or <br />meter run-off from the site so that it leaves the site at the same rate as it currently <br />does. <br /> <br />14. Mitigation Measure #14: Applicant shall remove pollutants from storm water <br />prior to discharging the water from the site per the current NPDES permit <br /> <br />15. Mitigation Measure #15: All commercial construction shall comply with the <br />City’s existing building codes related to sound attenuation. <br /> <br />16. Mitigation Measure #16: All construction activity shall comply with the City’s <br />Noise Ordinance (Municipal Code Chapter 4-1, Section 11) so as not to make or <br />cause disturbing, excessive or offensive noise which causes annoyance or <br />discomfort to persons. <br /> <br />17. Mitigation Measure #17: The minimum levels of service standards for police <br />and fire response times shall be maintained in accordance with General Plan <br />Policy 45.01. <br /> <br />18. Mitigation Measure #18: The applicant shall incorporate lighting, landscaping <br />and other design features that reduce the potential for crime and facilitate rapid <br />response to emergency calls in accordance with General Plan Policy 45.06. <br />