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Recommended Conditions of Approval February 20, 2014 <br />PLN2013-00045; 1333 Martinez Street Page 11 of 20 <br />19. Mitigation Measure #19: The significant impact at this intersection during the <br />PM peak hour can be mitigated by restriping the eastbound approach to be two <br />lanes, a shared left through lane and a shared through-right lane. These <br />improvements would occur within the existing right-of-way. This mitigation <br />measure results in the intersection operating at LOS E during the PM peak-hour. <br />Therefore, this impact is less than significant. <br /> <br />20. Mitigation Measure #20: The applicant shall promote the efficient use of <br />existing water supplies through a variety of water conservation measures, <br />including evaluating the potential for the use of recycled water for landscaping in <br />accordance with General Plan Policy 27.02. <br /> <br />21. Mitigation Measure #21: The applicant shall conserve water through the use of <br />such measures as low-flow plumbing fixtures and water-saving appliances in <br />accordance with General Plan Policy 27.04. <br /> <br />22. Mitigation Measure #22: The applicant shall be required to pay its fair share of <br />the cost of improving the water, sewer, drainage and other infrastructure systems <br />needed to serve the development through use fees or other appropriate forms of <br />mitigation in accordance with General Plan Policy 52.02. <br /> <br />23. Mitigation Measure #23: American Disabilities Act (ADA)–compliant <br />Detectable Warning Devices (Truncated Domes), bike lanes, pedestrian <br />channelization barriers and swing gates shall be installed at the Davis Street <br />crossing (DOT#749728V). Fencing the railroad right-of-way must be considered <br />in order to prevent pedestrians from crossing the railroad tracks in unsafe <br />locations. <br /> <br />24. Mitigation Measure #24: ADA detectable warning devices are to be installed on <br />all sidewalks approaches near the Davis Street crossing in the proximity of the <br />project site (DOT#834250S). In addition, fencing the railroad right-of-way must <br />be considered in order to prevent pedestrians from crossing the railroad tracks in <br />unsafe locations. <br /> <br />25. Mitigation Measure #25: Improve the Alvarado Street crossing (DOT#912075T) <br />by adding pedestrian channelization barriers and swing gates. <br /> <br />26. Mitigation Measure #26: ADA detectable warning devices are to be installed on <br />all sidewalks approaches near the Thornton Street crossing in the proximity of the <br />project site (DOT#834254U). In addition, parking shall be restricted within 70 <br />feet of the railroad crossing. <br /> <br />27. Mitigation Measure #27: ADA detectable warning devices are to be installed on <br />all sidewalks approaches near the Parrott Street crossing in the proximity of the <br />project site (DOT#834253M). In addition, parking shall be restricted within 70 <br />feet of the railroad crossing. <br />