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Recommended Conditions of Approval February 20, 2014 <br />PLN2013-00045; 1333 Martinez Street Page 12 of 20 <br />28. Mitigation Measure #28: Pavement markings and signage on the proximal <br />railroad crossings are to be verified that they are in compliance with the California <br />Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. <br /> <br />V. BUILDING AND SAFETY SERVICES CONDITIONS <br /> <br />A. Prior to approval of the final building plans for building permits, the developer shall <br />submit evidence of compliance with Title 24 Code, to the satisfaction of the Building <br />Official. <br /> <br />B. Prior to approval of building permits, the developer shall submit evidence of compliance <br />with the California Building Code related to the following accessibility requirements: <br /> <br />1. Accessible path of travel from nearest public bus stop to the site is required. <br />2. The entire site shall be made accessible. <br />3. Accessible path of travel is required to trash enclosures. <br />4. Common public areas such as recreation areas and parking areas shall be accessible as <br />per CBC Chapter 11B. <br /> <br />C. The developer shall employ the engineer responsible for the structural design, or another <br />engineer designated by the engineer responsible for the structural design, to perform <br />structural observation in accordance with the Building Code. Structural observation <br />means the visual observation of the structural system, for general conformance to the <br />approved plans and specifications at significant construction stages and at completion of <br />the structural system. <br /> <br />D. In addition to the inspections required by the Building Code, the developer or the <br />engineer or architect of record acting as the developer’s agent shall employ one or more <br />special inspectors who shall provide inspections during construction as required by the <br />California Building Code. The special inspector shall be approved by the Chief Building <br />Official. Per City Ordinance, the City reserves the right to impose structural standards <br />that exceed the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. <br /> <br />E. Final building plans submitted for building permit shall incorporate a range of water <br />conservation measures to substantially reduce average per capita daily use. These <br />measures shall include the use of equipment, devices and methods for plumbing fixtures <br />and irrigation that provide for long-term efficient water use, subject to the review and <br />approval of the Building Official. <br /> <br />VI. ENGINEERING & TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, including Section 66020 (d) (1), the City <br />HEREBY NOTIFIES the applicant for this Project that the 90-day approval period (in <br />which the applicant may protest the imposition of any fees, dedications, reservations, or <br />other exactions imposed on this Project by these Conditions of Approval) will begin on the <br />date of the conditional approval of this Project. If the applicant fails to file a protest within <br />this 90-day period, complying with all of the requirements of Government Code Section <br />66020, the applicant will be legally barred from later challenging any such fees, dedications, <br />reservations or other exactions.