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File Number: 14-107 <br />proposed Project on August 15, 2013; and <br />WHEREAS, the City prepared an Initial Study consistent with CEQA Guidelines section <br />15070 and determined a Mitigated Negative Declaration was required in order to analyze the <br />potential for significant impacts of the Project which was circulated for public review from <br />January 20, 2014 to February 19, 2014; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the staff report and the draft Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration (Exhibit 1) and is of the opinion that the draft Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration, including comments, reflects the City’s independent judgment and analysis on <br />the potential for environmental impacts from the Project; and <br />WHEREAS, location and custodian of the draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, <br />including comments, and other documents that constitute a record of proceedings for the <br />Project is the City of San Leandro, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, California 94577; and <br />WHEREAS, the Project may have potential significant environmental impacts; <br />however, proposed mitigation measures have been incorporated into the Project to reduce <br />these impacts to a less than significant level; and <br />WHEREAS, the Zoning Map currently designates the Project site as DA-5(S) <br />Downtown Area, Special Overlay District and PS(S) Public and Semipublic, Special Overlay <br />District. The Zoning Map should be amended to DA-5(S)(PD) Downtown Area, Special <br />Overlay, Planned Development Overlay District and PS(S)(PD) Public and Semipublic, <br />Special Overlay, Planned Development Overlay District as set forth in Exhibit 2; and <br />WHEREAS, the Project also requires a Planned Development and Site Plan Review <br />Project Approval, pursuant to 3-1012 and 5-2506 of the Zoning Code, respectively, and <br />satisfies all the requisite findings as further explained in the staff report associated with this <br />Ordinance; and <br />WHEREAS, the Applicant requests the execution of a proposed Development <br />Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 4 that would vest the Project <br />applications upon execution; and <br />WHEREAS, the City’s General Plan and the Zoning Code , are incorporated herein by <br />reference, and are available for review at City Hall during normal business hours. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does ORDAIN as <br />follows: <br />SECTION 1. ADOPTION OF THE ZONING MAP AMENDMENT. Based on the <br />entirety of the record, as described above, the Property described as 1333 Martinez Street, <br />Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 75-47-2, 75-47-7, 75-47-3-2, and 75-42-2-1, and Vacated and <br />Disposed City rights-of-way is hereby reclassified from its current designation on the Zoning <br />Map of DA-5(S) Downtown Area, Special Overlay District and PS(S) Public and Semipublic, <br />Special Overlay District to DA-5(S)(PD) Downtown Area, Special Overlay, Planned <br />Development Overlay District and PS(S)(PD) Public and Semipublic, Special Overlay, <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/16/2014