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File Number: 14-066 <br />set a second public hearing date for May 5, 2014 to consider public comments and adopt the <br />plan. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The Consolidated Plan addresses the goals of the Housing Element of the General Plan, such <br />as increasing the supply of affordable for -sale and rental housing, providing opportunities for <br />home ownership, preserving and rehabilitating existing affordable owner -occupied and rental <br />housing, and addressing special needs populations. <br />Environmental Review <br />National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act , when <br />applicable, review will be conducted for each project or activity approved by the City Council. <br />Neither CEQA nor NEPA apply to the FY 2014-2015 Consolidated Annual Action Plan . <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />In accordance with the City’s Citizen Participation Plan , which is required under the HUD <br />Consolidated Plan regulations, notices of both public hearings (with partial translations in <br />Spanish and Chinese) have been published in the Daily Review and sent to a CDBG mail list <br />of interested parties. Copies of the Draft FY 2014-2015 Action Plan were available for review <br />at City Hall (City Clerk’s office and Community Development Department ), at the Main Library, <br />and on the City’s website (Draft HUD FY 2014-15 Annual Action Plan <br /><>) for a 30-day comment period from March <br />31 - April 30, 2014. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />HUD will enter into contract with the City for the grant amount. The grant is on a <br />reimbursement basis with funds being reimbursed by HUD after expenditure by the City for <br />activities designated in the FY 2014-2015 Annual Action Plan. <br />Budget Authority <br />Budget authority for CDBG funds is derived from Title I of the Housing and Community <br />Development Act of 1974 (24 CFR 570 et seq.). Budget Authority for HOME funds is derived <br />from the Federal Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program (under Title II of the <br />Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act , as amended). <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />·Attachment A - Summary of the FY 2014-2015 proposed activities and funding amounts <br />PREPARED BY: Steve Hernandez, Housing Specialist II, Community Development <br />Department <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/29/2014