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CalWARN Mutual Aid/Asst Agreement 4 Approved and Adopted September 30, 2007 by Vote of Members <br />C. Response to a Request for Assistance – Members are not obligated to respond to a 1 request. After a Member receives a request for assistance, the Authorized Official evaluates 2 whether or not to respond, whether resources are available to respond, or if other 3 circumstances would hinder response. Following the evaluation, the Authorized 4 Representative shall inform, as soon as possible, the Requesting Member whether it will 5 respond. If the Member is willing and able to provide assistance, the Member shall inform 6 the Requesting Member about the type of available resources and the approximate arrival 7 time of such assistance. 8 9 D. Discretion of Responding Member’s Authorized Official – Execution of this Agreement 10 does not create any duty to respond to a request for assistance. When a Member receives 11 a request for assistance, the Authorized Official shall have sole and absolute discretion as to 12 whether or not to respond, or the availability of resources to be used in such response. An 13 Authorized Member’s decisions on the availability of resources shall be final. 14 15 16 <br />ARTICLE VI. 17 <br />RESPONSE COORDINATION 18 19 When providing assistance under this Agreement, the Requesting Member and Responding 20 Member shall be organized and shall function under the Standard Emergency Management 21 System and National Incident Management System protocols and procedures. 22 23 A. Personnel – Responding Member retains right to identify the employees who are willing 24 to participate and the resources that are available. 25 26 B. Control – While employees so provided may be under the supervision of the 27 Responding Member, the Responding Member’s employees come under the direction 28 and control of the Requesting Member, consistent with the NIMS Incident Command 29 System to address the needs identified by the Requesting Member. The Requesting 30 Member’s Authorized Official shall coordinate response activities with the designated 31 supervisor(s) of the Responding Member(s). Whenever practical, Responding 32 Member personnel must be self sufficient for up to 72 hours. The Responding Member’s 33 designated supervisor(s) must keep accurate records of work performed by personnel 34 during the specified Period of Assistance. 35 36 C. Food and Shelter – When possible, the Requesting Member shall supply reasonable food 37 and shelter for Responding Member personnel. If the Requesting Member is unable to 38 provide food and shelter for Responding Member personnel, the Responding Member’s 39 designated supervisor is authorized to secure the resources necessary to meet the needs of 40 its personnel. Except as provided below, the cost for such resources must not exceed the 41 State per diem rates for that area. To the extent Food and Shelter costs exceed the State 42 per diem rates for the area, the Responding Member must demonstrate that the additional 43 costs were reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. Unless otherwise agreed 44 to in writing, the Requesting Member remains responsible for reimbursing the Responding 45 Member for all reasonable and necessary costs associated with providing food and shelter, 46 if such resources are not provided. 47 48 D. Communication – The Requesting Member shall provide Responding Member personnel 49 with radio equipment as available, or radio frequency information to program existing radio, 50 in order to facilitate communications with local responders and utility personnel. 51