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CalWARN Mutual Aid/Asst Agreement 6 Approved and Adopted September 30, 2007 by Vote of Members <br />reimburse Responding Member for the cost of replacing such equipment with 1 equipment that is of at least equal capability as determined by the Responding 2 Member. If Responding Member must lease a piece of equipment while Requesting 3 Member equipment is being repaired or replaced, Requesting Member shall 4 reimburse Responding Member for such lease costs. 5 6 C. Materials and Supplies – Requesting Member shall reimburse Responding Member in 7 kind or at actual replacement cost, plus handling charges, for use of expendable or non-8 returnable supplies. Other supplies and reusable items that are returned to Responding 9 Member in a clean, damage-free condition shall not be charged to the Requesting 10 Member and no rental fee will be charged; otherwise, they shall be treated as 11 expendable supplies. Supplies that are returned to the Responding Member with 12 damage must be treated as expendable supplies for purposes of cost reimbursement. 13 14 D. Payment Period – The Responding Member shall provide an itemized bill to the Requesting 15 Member for all expenses incurred by the Responding Member while providing assistance 16 under this Agreement. The Requesting Member shall send the itemized bill not later than 17 (90) ninety dates following the end of the Period of Assistance. The Responding Member 18 may request additional periods of time within which to submit the itemized bill, and 19 Requesting Member shall not unreasonably withhold consent to such request. The 20 Requesting Member agrees to reimburse the Responding Member within 60 days from 21 receipt of an invoice for assistance provided under this Agreement. The Requesting 22 Member may request additional periods of time within which to pay the itemized bill, and 23 Responding Member shall not unreasonably withhold consent to such request, provided, 24 however, that all payment shall occur not later than one-year after the date a final itemized 25 bill is submitted to the Requesting Member. 26 27 E. Records - Each Responding Member and its duly authorized representatives shall have 28 access to a Requesting Member’s books, documents, notes, reports, papers and records 29 which are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purposes of reviewing the accuracy of 30 a cost bill or making a financial, maintenance or regulatory audit. Each Requesting Member 31 and its duly authorized representatives shall have access to a Responding Member’s books, 32 documents, notes, reports, papers and records which are directly pertinent to this 33 Agreement for the purposes of reviewing the accuracy of a cost bill or making a financial, 34 maintenance or regulatory audit. Such records shall be maintained for at least three (3) 35 years or longer where required by law and as needed for federal reimbursement practices. 36 <br /> 37 <br /> 38 <br />ARTICLE VIII. 39 <br />ARBITRATION 40 41 If any controversy or claim arises out of, or relates to, the Agreement, including, but not limited 42 to an alleged breach of the Agreement, the disputing Members shall first attempt to resolve the 43 dispute by negotiation, followed by mediation and finally shall be settled by arbitration in 44 accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Judgment on the award 45 rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. 46 47 48