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CalWARN Mutual Aid/Asst Agreement 8 Approved and Adopted September 30, 2007 by Vote of Members <br />ARTICLE XIII. 1 <br />INSURANCE 2 3 Members shall maintain an insurance policy or maintain a self insurance program that covers 4 activities that it may undertake by virtue of membership in the Mutual Aid and Assistance 5 Program. 6 7 8 <br />ARTICLE XIV. 9 <br />CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 10 11 To the extent allowed by law, any Member or Associate Member shall maintain in the strictest 12 confidence and shall take all reasonable steps necessary to prevent the disclosure of any 13 Confidential Information provided to it by another Member pursuant to this Agreement. If any 14 Member, Associate Member, or third party requests or demands, by subpoena or otherwise, 15 that a Member or Associate Member disclose any Confidential Information provided to it under 16 this Agreement, the Member or Associate Member shall immediately notify the owner of the 17 Confidential Information and shall take all reasonable steps necessary to prevent the disclosure 18 of any Confidential Information by asserting all applicable rights and privileges with respect to 19 such information and shall cooperate fully in any judicial or administrative proceeding relating 20 thereto. 21 <br /> 22 <br /> 23 <br />ARTICLE XV. 24 <br />EFFECTIVE DATE 25 26 This Agreement shall take effect for a new party immediately upon its execution by said 27 party. 28 29 30 <br />ARTICLE XVI. 31 <br />WITHDRAWAL 32 33 Any party may terminate its participation in this Agreement by written notice to the Chair of the 34 appropriate RSC and to the SSC Chair. Withdrawal takes effect 60 days after the appropriate 35 officials receive notice. Withdrawal from this Agreement shall in no way affect a Requesting 36 Member’s duty to reimburse a Responding Member for cost incurred during a Period of 37 Assistance, which duty shall survive such withdrawal. 38 39 40 <br />ARTICLE XVII. 41 <br />MODIFICATION 42 43 No provision of this Agreement may be modified, altered or rescinded by individual parties to the 44 Agreement. Modifications to this Agreement require a simple majority vote of Members within 45 each region and unanimous agreement among the regions. The State Steering Committee will 46 notify all parties of modifications to this Agreement in writing and those modifications shall be 47 effective upon 60 days written notice to the parties. 48 49