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• <br /> shall be equal to those payments made by the City for retirees in other bargaining units. <br /> Should the City's contribution toward the premiums for retired employees in other bargaining <br /> units differ, the City's contribution toward the premium for retired fire employees will be equal <br /> to the highest dollar amount paid. <br /> (b) In the event City changes medical or dental carriers, or level of benefits provided for <br /> non Fire Employee retirees, such changes shall be applicable to retired Fire Employees. <br /> Subsection J. Retirement <br /> 1. Public Employees Retirement System - Upon the effective date, Fire Employees shall <br /> be enrolled in the PERS retirement system pursuant to the contract between the Department <br /> and the Public Employees Retirement System. It is understood that the contract between the <br /> Department and PERS provides the following benefits: <br /> (a) 2% at fifty (full) <br /> (b) Third level of 1959 survivor benefit (section 21382.4) <br /> (c) One year final compensation (section 20024.2) <br /> (d) Credit for unused sick leave (section 20862.8) <br /> 2. SB 53 - Upon the effective date of this agreement, City will file a resolution with <br /> PERS authorizing City to utilize the Employer Paid Member Contribution Reported as Salary <br /> (EPMC) for the period of July 1, 1994 through the effective date. The City shall pay the cost <br /> of the EPMC reported as salary. <br /> 3. Transition of Retirement Medical Insurance - Fire Employees retiring from the ACFD <br /> after the effective date may select one of the following options for retirement medical <br /> insurance subject to the provision specified in this section: <br /> a. The retiring Fire Employee and eligible dependents may enroll in ACFD's PERS <br /> medical retirement program pursuant to that program's rules and regulations, at the employer <br /> contribution rate in effect at the time of retirement which shall be paid by ACFD; or <br /> b. The retiring Fire Employee and eligible dependents may re-enroll in the same medical <br /> insurance plan he/she was formally enrolled in with City, subject to the approval of the <br /> medical insurance carrier, at City's contribution rate in effect for retirees of other City <br /> bargaining units and may remain enrolled until age sixty-five or eligible for Medicare <br /> coverage. <br /> This option (b) shall be available to Fire Employees who meet the following <br /> requirements: <br /> 6 <br />