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(f)“Certified or consulting arborist” shall mean an arborist who is registered with the <br />International Society of Arboriculture and approved by the Director. <br />(g)“Applicant” shall mean the owner of improved property submitting an application to <br />remove a ProtectedTree(s) located upon said property. Only the property owner or his or her <br />representative may apply to remove a Protected Tree(s) or appeal the Director’s decision. <br />(h)“Significant impact” shall mean an unreasonable interference with the normal and <br />intended use of the property. In determining whether there is a significant impact, the typical <br />longevity of the subject Tree species, as well as the size of the Tree relative to the property, shall <br />be considered. Normal maintenance, including, but not limited to, pruning, and leaf removal and <br />minor damage to paving or foundation shall not be considered when making a determination of <br />significant impact. <br />(i)A “Tree Appraisal”, when required, shall be done in accordance with the then-current <br />edition of the“Guide for Plant Appraisal” by the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers <br />under the auspices of the International Society of Arboriculture and the current edition of the <br />Western Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture’s Species Classification and Group <br />Assessment. This appraisal shall be performed by either a registered consulting arborist, board <br />certified master arborist or certified arborist, as determined by the Director. The appraisal shall <br />be done at the applicant’s sole expense, and the appraiser shall be subject to the City’s approval, <br />which approval it shall not unreasonably withhold. <br />X-X-XXX Permit—Required. <br />(a)No person shall remove, destroy or disfigure, any Protected Tree growing within the City <br />without a permit except as provided in this Chapter. <br />(b)Normal maintenance pruning of Protected Trees shall not require a permit but shall in all <br />cases be performed by a licensed contractor in conformance with the guidelines of the <br />International Society of Arboriculture, Best Management Practices, Tree Pruning, current <br />edition. Pruning which, in the opinion of the Director, varies from these guidelines shall be <br />subject to fines and penalties as provided in Section X-X-XXX. <br />X-X-XXX Permit—Procedure. <br />(a)An Applicant desiring to remove any Protected Tree in the City shall make application to <br />the Director. Said application shall contain the number, species, size and location of Protected <br />Trees to be removed and a brief statement of the reason for removal as well as any other <br />pertinent information the Director may require. The application shall be accompanied by a Tree <br />Appraisal, specific to the Protected Trees requested for removal and/or potentially impacted by <br />on-site construction. The permit, if granted, shall entitle the Applicant to remove only those <br />Protected Trees designated by permit. If the applicant is a homeowners’ association or other <br />association of property owners or an agent thereof, the applicant shall deliver a written notice by <br />mail to personal delivery to all associationmembers who own property within five hundred (500) <br />feet of any Protected Tree to be removed. The notice shall identify the Protected Tree(s) which <br />are proposed to be removed.