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File Number: 14-072 <br />1.New housing opportunities <br />2.Affordable housing development <br />3.Administration of housing programs <br />4.Home ownership <br />5.Affordable housing conservation <br />6.Green and sustainable neighborhoods <br />7.Special needs populations <br />8.Elimination of housing constraints <br />9.Fair housing <br />The State also uses the Annual Progress Report to monitor progress by cities and counties on <br />achieving their Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) goals. State law requires that <br />each city and county ensure that its “fair share” of regional housing accommodate community <br />needs at all income levels. The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) allocated to <br />San Leandro RHNA targets of 1,630 total housing units for the 2007-2014 period at various <br />income levels as shown in the following table. While the State requires that local jurisdictions <br />meet their RHNA goals through adequate zoning , comparing actual housing production to the <br />goals can be informative by gauging progress. Shown below is the City’s total production of <br />housing units by the end of 2013 in comparison to the City’s RHNA goals : <br />UNIT INCOME LEVELS RHNA ALLOCATION HOUSING UNITS <br />Very Low-Income 368 195 <br />Low-Income 228 759 <br />Moderate-Income 277 19 <br />Above Moderate-Income 757 83 <br />TOTALS 1,630 1,056 <br />In 2013, 8 market rate (or above moderate-income) residential units were produced in the <br />City. Cumulatively since 2007, 1,056 units were produced. This represents 65% of the City’s <br />RHNA goal of 1,630. <br />With regard to income levels, the City's strongest performance continues to be in the <br />production of "very low" income and “low” income housing units, respectively, meeting 47% <br />(195 of 368 units) and over 332% (759 of 228 units) of its target goals to date. <br />Production of units in the moderate- and above moderate-income categories was less robust <br />with only 11% of the City’s RHNA goal of 1,034 units being produced to date. . This can <br />mainly be attributed to the great recession which significantly impacted housing production. <br />The State elimination of the City’s Redevelopment Agency will have severe impacts on the <br />City’s ability to achieve future Housing Element goals and objectives as no funding source has <br />been identified to replace Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside funds. This represents a loss to <br />the City of approximately $2.5 million annually. To acquire, rehabilitate, and/or construct <br />affordable rental housing developments , the City now primarily relies on federal HOME <br />Program funds, which have been reduced to $155,000 in 2014, a 55% reduction since 2010. <br />The City’s Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance supports the development of affordable housing by <br />requiring 15% of all new homes be designated as below market rate housing. <br />Some of the City’s key goals and accomplishments in calendar year 2013 include: <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/13/2014