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File Number: 14-133 <br />cement into the road base to provide a stable foundation, and installing a surface course of <br />new AC. This method of rehabilitation costs significantly less than traditional road <br />reconstruction methods due to reduced raw materials and hauling. <br />Road work on Bigge Street will be performed at night to mitigate construction impacts to local <br />businesses. <br />Analysis <br />A total of two bids were received on April 25, 2014. Gallagher & Burk, Inc. submitted the <br />lowest responsive bid at $626,275.00 for the base bid plus additive bid item A , the sum of <br />which was used as the basis of award. The engineer’s estimate for construction is <br />$572,108.50. The second lowest bidder submitted a bid of $701,432.00 for the base bid plus <br />additive bid item A. <br />The proposal from Gallagher & Burk, Inc is summarized as follows: <br />Base Bid: $618,775.00 <br />Additive Bid Item A (EBMUD Valve Adjustment):$7,500.00 <br />Total:$626,275.00 <br />Additive Bid Item A for the adjustment of EBMUD water valves will be included as part of the <br />contract and EBMUD will reimburse the City for this work. <br />Previous Actions <br />On May 6, 2013, by Resolution No. 2013-059, the City Council approved the plans and <br />specifications and called for bids for the Annual Overlay /Rehabilitation 2012-13 project, which <br />included the reconstruction of the segments of Bigge Street and Bancroft Avenue from the <br />subject project. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />This action is consistent with Streets and Highways Goal No. 16 of the General Plan and <br />Action Item 16.03: Regularly maintain City streets and traffic control devices to ensure that <br />streets operate safely and efficiently . <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per Section 15301(c) - Existing Facilities. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />This project was advertised in the Daily Review on April 4th, 2014. Staff notified contractors <br />and past bidders via email that the City was requesting bids for the subject project. <br />A public meeting will be held prior to start of construction to notify residents and businesses of <br />this project. The contractor will also distribute flyers along the project street segments before <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/13/2014