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File Number: 14-156 <br />o Emergency preparedness for $100,000 <br />o Next generation implementation in the General Fund for $400,000 <br />o Legal services increased to reflect the agreement for $136,500 <br />o Building permit costs associated with increased volume for $200,000 <br />o Parks maintenance increase for $51,000 <br />o The total 2014-15 projected increase is $987,500, or a 13.5% increase. <br />·Internal Service Fund Allocation: The Equipment Maintenance Fund needs to <br />replace equipment earlier than originally planned (patrol vehicle and towable man lift) <br />which are the primary additional costs allocated to the General Fund totaling $150,000. <br />·Other: The projected 2014-15 other increased expenditures include $1,000,000 to <br />San Leandro Hospital and $450,000 for community investment, totaling $1,450,000 for <br />2014-15. <br />·Transfers: The transfers from the General Fund projected for 2014-15 increased by <br />$400,000 due to one-time needs of $50,000 for the Business Improvement District <br />(BID) and $350,000 for Capital Improvement Projects (Casa Peralta improvements and <br />Marina Boulevard streetscape pre-design). <br />General Fund Revenue (refer to Exhibit 2) <br />·Property Tax: The assessed property values furnished in March 2014 by the Alameda <br />County Tax Assessor’s Office estimate an increase of 4.6% (excluding Kaiser exempt <br />property); the projected 2014-15 property tax revenues reflect an increase of 2%, or <br />$363,000. A 2015 budget adjustment may be warranted pending the final tax roll report <br />in August, 2014. <br />·Sales Tax: The updated sales tax revenues furnished by the City’s consultant on <br />February 21, 2014 reflect an increase of 6.7%, or $1.88 million, based on better than <br />anticipated sales in the City; therefore, the projected 2014-15 sales tax revenues <br />include the optimistic projections of 6.7% increase. <br />·Franchise Fees: The year-to-date actual revenues annualized for cable and Oro <br />Loma exceed the current year’s budget ; therefore, included are the estimated <br />increases totaling $195,000 in the projected 2014-15 franchise fee revenues. <br />·Utility Users’ Tax (UUT): The UUT for electricity and gas actuals for the current year <br />are under budget which may reflect a combination of conserving energy and alternative <br />energy usage; therefore, the projected 2014-15 UUT shows a decrease of $119,000 , or <br />a 1.1% decline. <br />·Licenses & Permits: The building permit revenue is projected to increase in 2014-15 <br />by $200,000 in order to cover advanced and long-term planning costs. <br />The remaining taxes and other revenues for 2014-15 are not expected to change. <br />Special Revenue Funds (refer to Exhibit 1) <br />Special Revenue Funds include revenues that have either restrictions on their use or special <br />reporting requirements such as gas tax revenues from the State. The City has 19 special <br />revenue funds, with 12 of these funds reflecting projected changes to the 2014-15 revenues <br />totaling a decrease of $98,807. The 2014-15 projected expenditures estimate an increase of <br />$104,330. The Special Revenue funds highlighted for consideration are the Gas Tax Funds , <br />and the Affordable Housing Asset Fund . <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/13/2014