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File Number: 14-207 <br />Staff proposes to add clarifications to Article 16, Section 4-1662 to explicitly allow an Outdoor <br />Facility Permit and clarify the time frame for a Temporary Use Permit as 90 days. Staff also <br />corrected the Temporary Use definition in Article 3 to state a timeframe of 90 days to be <br />consistent with Article 22, Section 5-2222 Temporary Use Permits . <br />Recycling Facilities <br />Staff proposes updating the definition of a Recycling Facility so that it more closely resembles <br />the guidelines established by the State and administered through CalRecycle (formerly, <br />California Integrated Waste Management Board ). Changes are also proposed to allow certain <br />types of recycling uses that take place indoors only through an Administrative Review (AR) <br />process rather than the Conditional Use Permit (UP) process, such as Bulk Reverse Vending <br />Machines, Large Collection and Light Processing. Additionally, any specific references to <br />State certification or State Codes have been eliminated so that the City’s Code does not have <br />to be updated each time the State makes changes. <br />Proposed amended definition: <br />Recycling Facility. A center for the collection and/or processing of recyclable materials, and <br />includes facilities for the drop-off, buyback, deposit, or return for redemption, of recyclable <br />material. Recyclable material is reusable material including but not limited to aluminum, glass, <br />plastic and paper which is intended for remanufacture or reconstitution for the purpose of <br />using the altered form. A recycling facility consists of a reverse vending machine, collection <br />facility, or processing facility, as defined in Section 4-1646 “Recycling Facilities”. A recycling <br />collection facility may also consist of a facility for the collection of reusable household goods <br />or clothes by a charitable organization. <br />Under Article 16, Section 4-1646, the above general definition of Recycling Facility is further <br />defined in several sub-categories as follows: <br />·Single Feed Reverse Vending Machine <br />·Bulk Reverse Vending Machine <br />·Small Collection <br />·Small Scale Hazardous Waste Center <br />·Large Collection <br />·Light Processing <br />·Heavy Processing <br />Please see pages 6 through 11 in Exhibit G: Proposed Amended Article 16, Section 4-1646, <br />including the summary table on page 8 for the series of proposals for regulating recycling. <br />Retail Sales <br />Staff proposes that this use should be changed to allow for clothing and consignment stores <br />that were evaluated as Secondhand Sales, which is only permitted with a CUP. Clean-up of <br />certain outdated terms are also proposed. <br />Proposed amended definition: <br />Page 11 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/27/2014