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File Number: 14-207 <br /> <br />City of San Leandro Page 13 Printed 5/27/2014 <br />e-cigarettes, and e-cigarette-related products, as defined by 1) devoting twenty percent (20%) <br />or more of total floor area or display area to or 2) deriving seventy-five percent (75%) or more of <br />gross sale receipts from, the sale or exchange of tobacco-related products. <br /> <br />Tobacco-related products. Any substance containing tobacco including but not limited to <br />cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and dipping tobacco; cigarette papers; vaporizers; or <br />any other instrument or paraphernalia for the smoking or ingestion of tobacco and <br />products prepared from tobacco. <br /> <br />Wind Farms <br /> <br />Currently, the Zoning Code does not include a definition for a Wind Farm, nor for a single wind <br />turbine. Staff proposes the following definitions: <br /> <br />Wind Farms. Utility-scale wind turbines larger than 100 kilowatts and developed with <br />electricity delivered to the power grid and distributed to the end user by electric utilities <br />or power system operators. Small wind turbines 100 kilowatts or smaller that directly <br />power a home or small business and are considered an accessory use subject to height <br />regulations. <br /> <br />Wind Turbines. Devices that convert kinetic energy from the wind into electrical power. <br /> <br />Staff recommends that Wind Farms should be allowed with a Conditional Use Permit (UP) in the <br />IG and IG(AU) Districts, only. As stated in the definition above, a single wind turbine would be <br />considered an accessory use. <br /> <br />Wireless Telecommunications Facilities <br /> <br />Article 16 (Section 4-1686) of the Zoning Code should be updated to reflect recent changes in <br />federal law, technological advancements, and what other jurisdictions do to regulate these types <br />of uses. The updated Wireless Telecommunications Facilities regulations also have <br />corresponding changes to where they must be allowed in various zoning districts. Changes are <br />recommended to clean up related definitions that were affected by the Ordinance changes <br />(Please see the attached Ordinance, Exhibit A Proposed Amended Article 3 Definitions), such as <br />those for the following: <br /> <br />• Antenna <br />• Telecommunications Antennas and Towers <br />• Wireless Telecommunications Facility <br /> <br />Proposed amended definition: <br /> <br />Wireless Telecommunication Facility. An unstaffed communications facility containing <br />communication towers and/or antennas and any related equipment for the purpose of <br />transmitting or receiving electromagnetic radio frequency waves, including antennas and <br />all ancillary equipment. It does not include radio and television towers, antennas or <br />related equipment for commercial broadcast or amateur use; citizens band and any other <br />miscellaneous telemetric and control communications systems. <br /> <br />The definition for “Telecommunications Antennas and Towers” is proposed to be eliminated from <br />Article 3 Definitions because staff proposes it be replaced with “Wireless Telecommunication