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File Number: 14-207 <br /> <br />City of San Leandro Page 14 Printed 5/27/2014 <br />Facilities” as part of the update to the City’s Wireless Telecommunications Ordinance described <br />above. <br /> <br />A comprehensive breakdown of which zoning districts Wireless Telecommunication Facilities are <br />allowed in can be found in the attached Ordinance, Exhibit G: Proposed Amended Article 16, in <br />Section 4-1686, Table 1 (page 58 of 68). <br /> <br /> <br />Article 17 Off-Street Parking and Loading <br /> <br />Staff proposes a revision to clarify the code language in areas that have been difficult to <br />interpret, such as the paving of front yards. In addition, staff proposes implementing the reduced <br />parking requirements of the Downtown TOD Strategy for senior housing. <br /> <br />Paving in Front Yards <br /> <br />Article 17 defines the allowable amount of paving within front yards, which was set at 50 percent <br />in a set of Zoning Code amendments adopted in 2012. Because it has been interpreted very <br />strictly by both staff and residents, staff is now proposing to eliminate the phrase “related to <br />parking”, to ensure that there is clarity on this topic. The intent of the 2012 amendment was to <br />prohibit paving over more than 50% of a front yard, regardless of whether there would be parking <br />or not. <br /> <br />Section 4-1718, C. Allowable Paving in the Required Front Yard. Paving or impervious surfaces for <br />walkways, parking areas and vehicular access shall not collectively occupy more than fifty percent <br />(50%) of the required front setback area. <br /> <br />Senior Parking <br /> <br />Currently, new senior residential development of three or more units in the DA Districts must <br />comply with the same parking requirements as non-senior residential development, which is: 1.0 <br />to 1.5 spaces per unit (0.25 to 0.50 spaces/unit may be unbundled flex parking). In the SA <br />Districts, the senior residential parking ratio is 0.6 spaces per unit plus one space per employee. <br />Given the available commercial/retail activity and convenient public transit options, the senior <br />housing parking standards in the DA Districts near BART should have lowered parking standards <br />in comparison to the SA Districts. Therefore, staff recommends creating the following parking <br />requirements in the DA Districts: <br /> <br />Senior Housing (DA Districts adjacent to BART): 0.4 spaces per unit plus one space per <br />employee <br /> <br />Relaxed Triggers for Parking Exceptions <br /> <br />Staff proposes that a greater degree of flexibility for parking be provided in the Zoning Code, by <br />allowing the maximum parking deficiency to be increased from 15 percent to 20 percent before a <br />formal parking analysis would be triggered under Section 4-1702. This could allow for some <br />additional use changes between commercial and industrial uses to proceed without a Parking <br />Exception. <br /> <br />Article 18 Signs <br />