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File Number: 14-207 <br /> <br />City of San Leandro Page 17 Printed 5/27/2014 <br />believes that the proposed changes, through modifications to parking requirements, as well as <br />Administrative Review and public hearing noticing changes and updates to signage regulations, <br />provide clearer administrative approvals, oversight and design guidelines. Finally, staff believes <br />that the General Plan goals and policies related to economic development will be implemented <br />by allowing a greater range of uses in various commercial and industrial zoning designations. <br /> <br />The following broad policies in the General Plan promote retail diversity and job opportunities: <br /> <br />Policy 6.02 Retail-Service Improvements - Develop and implement business <br />development strategies that improve the mix of retail and service businesses <br />Downtown, with an emphasis on higher-end retail shops, sit-down restaurants, <br />and entertainment uses. <br /> <br />Policy 8.02 Retail Diversity - Encourage a diverse range of commercial uses in <br />the City, offering goods and services that fully meet the needs of San Leandro <br />residents and businesses… <br /> <br />Policy 12.03 Job Opportunities for Residents - Promote opportunities for San <br />Leandro residents to find suitable employment within the community… <br /> <br />The General Plan fosters the development of a strong and healthy industrial and office <br />employment base in the City. The Next Generation Workplace District Study encourages the <br />City to allow greater business-serving amenities in the industrial areas. The following General <br />Plan policies support the proposed changes to Articles 6 and 7. <br /> <br />Policy 7.02 Economic Diversity - Promote economic diversity and the growth of <br />new and emerging industries. Target businesses that will provide higher-paying <br />jobs for San Leandro residents. <br /> <br />Policy 7.03 Sustainable Manufacturing - Promote environmentally sustainable <br />manufacturing practices by San Leandro businesses and focus business <br />attraction efforts on clean, environmentally-friendly businesses. <br /> <br />Policy 7.04 Tech-Sector Recruitment - Attract and retain technology (“high <br />tech”) companies by improving technology infrastructure, targeting such <br />companies through marketing, supporting incubator and start-up firms, and <br />maintaining development regulations which facilitate the adaptive reuse of older <br />industrial buildings. <br /> <br />Policy 7.06 Adaptive Reuse - Encourage private reinvestment in vacant or <br />underutilized industrial and commercial real estate to adapt such property to <br />changing economic needs, including the creation of flex/office space. <br /> <br />The General Plan encourages the establishment of excellent community and neighborhood- <br />serving retail and entertainment uses. The following General Plan policy fosters cultural arts and <br />entertainment uses. <br /> <br />Policy 8.07 Cultural Arts and Entertainment - Provide additional opportunities <br />for cultural, recreational, and entertainment uses in the City, including cinemas, <br />theaters, live-performance venues, sports facilities, and art galleries. <br />