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File Number: 14-207 <br /> <br />City of San Leandro Page 18 Printed 5/27/2014 <br />Promoting the positive image of the City as a desirable place in which to do business consists in <br />part on attracting emerging technologies. The following General Plan policy encourages the <br />enhancement of these qualities. <br /> <br />Policy 11.03 Technology/Telecommunication Recruitment - Implement <br />programs to attract businesses in economic sectors that are emerging or <br />underrepresented in San Leandro. This should include the development of <br />infrastructure to facilitate the growth of technology and telecommunication firms <br />within the City. <br /> <br />Protecting local residents and workers from the risks associated with hazardous materials is an <br />important General Plan policy. The following policy encourages regulatory compliance. <br /> <br />Policy 33.01 Regulatory Compliance - Work with the appropriate county, <br />regional, state, and federal agencies to develop and implement programs for <br />hazardous waste reduction, hazardous material facility siting, hazardous waste <br />handling and disposal, public education, and regulatory compliance. <br /> <br />The General Plan encourages quality design and construction, as well as signage that will <br />enhance the public streetscape. The following policy encourages quality signage. <br /> <br />Policy 43.08 Signage - Encourage commercial signage that is compatible with <br />the building and streetscape, enhances the character of the surrounding area, <br />and is not intrusive to nearby residential uses. <br /> <br />And, the General Plan proactively addresses the special housing needs of the community, <br />including seniors. The following General Plan policy addresses senior housing. <br /> <br />Policy 58.01 Senior Housing - In accordance with the needs analysis <br />conducted as part of this Housing Element, encourage the production of housing <br />targeted to San Leandro seniors. Both non-profit and for-profit developers in the <br />City should incorporate supportive services for seniors and design features which <br />respond to the needs of seniors and others with limited mobility - such as single <br />story floor plans, wheelchair ramps, bathrooms and grab bars, and buildings with <br />elevators. <br /> <br />The proposed amendments to the Zoning Code would allow more amenities in the industrial and <br />commercial zones and will implement business development goals by allowing greater business- <br />serving amenities in the industrial and commercial areas. Additionally, they would comply more <br />closely with Federal and State regulatory guidelines concerning hazardous waste, recycling, and <br />telecommunications. <br /> <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are exempt from the California Environmental <br />Quality Act (CEQA) under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because the General <br />Rule exemption states that where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the <br />activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment that the activity is not <br />subject to CEQA. In addition, CEQA defines “project” as an activity that may result in either a <br />direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change <br />in the environment (Public Resources Code Section 21065). Updating the City of San Leandro <br />Zoning Code in the manner described herein does not alter the existing zoning regulations in any <br />substantive manner such that there is a possibility for the amendments to result in any direct or <br />indirect physical change in the environment or cause any significant environmental effects. Any