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<br /> <br />Exhibit C: Excerpt of Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, April 17, 2014 <br /> <br />Item 7A: Public Hearings <br />Matter of Proposed Amendments to the City of San Leandro Zoning Code related to increased <br />flexibility in Industrial and Commercial uses, Community Gardens, Teleco mmunications, <br />Hazardous Materials, Recycling, Signs, Parking, application processing and general text updates <br />in Zoning Code Articles 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27 and 28. (Barros) <br />Planner Barros noted that meetings on this set of Zoning Code amendments began with the <br />January 30, 2014 Special Joint Work Session of the Planning Commission and the Board of <br />Zoning Adjustments, in an effort to: <br /> Move forward on San Leandro’s Next Generation Workplace District Study <br />recommendations to evaluate industrial districts for opportunities to increase flexibility <br /> Make some areas, such as Telecommunications and Recycling, more consistent internally <br />and with other jurisdictions <br /> Clean up and clarify language in several sections <br /> Shift some application processing to Administrative Review <br />Planner Barros said in contrast to the January 30, 2014 Work Session, tonight she would focus <br />on changes made in response to recommendations from that meeting as well as subsequent input <br />BZA members provided during their April 3, 2014 meeting. She indicated that tonight’s focus <br />points are generally called out in italicized type in tonight’s staff report. <br />Planner Barros also noted that staff is recommending changes that would: <br /> Clarify a temporary use in the Industrial General (IG) District: outdoor storage is <br />currently allowed, but not outdoor facilities (such as an outdoor restaurant or sidewalk <br />sales) <br /> Add more uses to the mix in the Commercial Regional Mall (C-RM) District to increase <br />flexibility and align more closely with Commercial Community (CC) District uses and <br />parallel those in the new development around the Kaiser project <br /> Increase flexibility in parking by using a higher threshold of parking deficiency before a <br />business would require a parking exception <br />She indicated, too, that in response to input from BZA Members and/or Planning Commissioners: <br /> Accessory food sales have been added to beer and wine store uses <br /> Staff reviewed federal brewpub regulations (U.S. Department of the Treasury Alcohol <br />and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau [TTB]), but concerned that its annual limit of 5,000 <br />barrels of beer could discourage larger breweries such as Drake’s and 21st Amendment <br />from establishing such facilities in San Leandro, instead recommends using the California <br />Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) definition, which contains no specific limit on <br />annual production <br /> University and college extension programs have been added to the business and trade <br />schools definition <br /> In the community gardens definition: <br />o Language referencing kitchen gardens and roof gardens has been eliminated