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<br />Exhibit C: Excerpt of Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of April 17, 2014 Page 3 of 10 <br /> Making temporary use permits in Zoning Code Article 16 consistent with other areas of <br />the Zoning Code, which establish a 90-day period before they expire, and also <br />specifically allowing outdoor facility permits to be processed for IG District uses <br />In addition, Planner Barros noted that staff is now recommending an amendment pertaining to <br />commercial security gates and roll-up doors in Article 6 of the Zoning Code. This is to ensure that <br />future such installations in downtown storefronts will be inside the glass, and if a business cannot <br />install them as prescribed, the gates/doors would be subject to review and prior approval of the <br />Community Development Director and Planning Department staff. <br />Turning to proposed additions to the C-RM District uses, Planner Barros explained that the new <br />uses all have been folded into the matrix as well. The new uses include: <br /> Artists’ studios, brewpubs and supermarkets, which would be permitted outright <br /> Animal hospitals, bars, beer and wine stores, commercial recreation, dance clubs, <br />emergency healthcare (e.g., urgent care clinic), entertainment events, liquor stores and <br />retail sales/big box, which would be conditionally permitted <br /> Animal boarding, automatic teller machines (ATMs), catering services, community <br />gardens, game centers and nurseries, which would be permitted with Administrative <br />Review <br />Planner Barros reiterated that the changes she covered are those that have taken place since the <br />BZA/Planning Commission Work Session on January 30, 2014, but Commissioners are free to <br />discuss any others that she did not address as well. She also pointed out that the General Plan is <br />supportive of the set of changes proposed, noting that the relevant General Plan policies are called <br />out in the staff report. As Planner Barros indicated, although the General Plan was written in 2002 <br />it was prescient in that it set out policies with goals aimed specifically to reshape the industrial <br />area and to promote business diversification. <br />In terms of environmental review, she asked the Planning Commission to consider the changes <br />recommended as exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA <br />Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3). She noted that if a Zoning Code amendment allows a particular <br />use with the CUP, environmental review would take place at that time. <br />She also reviewed public outreach regarding the proposed amendments. In addition to the public <br />noticing and informing homeowners associations and the Chamber of Commerce, she said <br />meetings and discussions related to the Next Generation Workplace District Study, which drives <br />many of the recommendations, have taken place since September 2013, including community <br />meetings and a City Council presentation in October 2013, formation of an Industrial Area <br />Working Group in January 2014 and another session with the City Council in February 2014. <br />In addition to the changes outlined, Planner Barros said the Office of Business Development had <br />a request that did not get into the staff report. It concerns permitting mobile food vending uses <br />with Administrative Review in six additional zones in South Area (SA) and Downtown Area <br />(DA) Districts: SA-1, SA-3, DA-1, DA-2, DA-5, DA-6. Due to its proximity to an elementary <br />school, Planner Barros explained, SA-2 would be omitted while DA-3 and DA-4 would be <br />omitted because they are primarily residential districts. In response to Acting Chair Hernandez, <br />she pointed out the various SA and DA Districts on the San Leandro Zoning Map. She also noted <br />that the Administrative Review process would enable the City to place conditions related to noise, <br />odors, etc. <br />Acting Chair Hernandez invited Commissioner comments and questions. <br />Commissioner Rennie’s initial questions concerned: