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<br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO - PERSONNEL RELATIONS BOARD <br />MINUTES <br />Regular Meeting <br />Thursday, April 17, 2014 <br />City Hall, Human Resources Conference Room <br />Second Floor, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, California <br /> <br /> <br /> CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson O. B. Badger called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> ROLL CALL: LaTanya Bellow, Human Resources Manager and Executive Secretary, called the roll. <br /> BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson O. B. Badger, Vice-Chairperson Louis Heystek, <br />Members James Browne, Member Johanne Dictor, and Member Pete Ballew. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no members of the public at the meeting. <br /> <br />I. MINUTES: The minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 16, 2014. <br /> M | S | P (Heystek/Browne) to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 16, 2014. <br /> <br />II. ADOPTION/REVISION OF CLASSIFICATIONS: <br />Secretary Bellow explained that recently the IT Manager and Assistant IT Manager retired. In review of <br />the job descriptions for the recent recruitment, it became necessary to make changes to be in alignment <br />with technological trends, responsibilities and security clearance requirements due to the level of system <br />access. <br />Members had a few follow-up questions. Member Dictor asked about the security clearances needed as <br />they were not specified in the job descriptions. Secretary Bellow explained that the descriptions indicate <br />“comprehensive background check” and that the actual clearances required are shared with candidates as <br />they become finalists in the selection process. Member Heystek asked how the IT Manager position <br />would be involved with Lit San Leandro. Secretary Bellow provided that the IT Manager is heavily <br />involved in Lit San Leandro, working together with businesses, and the Chief Innovation Officer. <br />Member Heystek also questioned whether the Library’s IT function was separate from the City because of <br />the different technology needed there. Secretary Bellow explained that the IT Manager oversees all <br />departmental IT functions as part of the City, which includes the Library. Chairperson Badger added that <br />even though the Library may utilize different technology, departments such as that often have network <br />folks that work in coordination with the City network. Member Dictor suggested that the definition <br />include language about networks. Secretary Bellow noted the suggestion. <br /> M | S | P (Browne/Dictor) to adopt the revised Information Technology Manager and Assistant <br />Information Technology Manager classifications. <br /> III. ADOPTION OF AMENDED PERSONNEL RULES: Secretary Bellow reported that the Personnel <br />Rules have undergone an extensive review by staff and Members and recommends the adoption of the <br />proposed revisions to Personnel Rules I-XVII. Secretary Bellow and Chairperson Badger thanked <br />everyone for their hard work on this undertaking, especially Members Browne and Heystek who <br />thoroughly reviewed the Rules. <br />Secretary Bellow noted that the final revisions had been provided ahead of the meeting for Members to <br />review. She also pointed out that some sections do not apply to all employees, as most employees are <br />governed by their respective MOUs. <br />Member Ballew raised a question about the definition of “Seniority”. If an employee is on an unpaid <br />FMLA leave, how does that affect seniority and specifically women who may be out on unpaid <br />maternity leave? Staff member Yana Taran and Secretary Bellow explained that the leave itself is <br />protected under FMLA, but that for any portion that is unpaid, an employee will not accrue time in <br />step. Secretary Bellow wanted it noted that the City has a non-discrimination policy and that all <br />employees are treated the same. <br />Member Heystek raised questions regarding the “child-rearing relationship” portion of the Immediate <br />Family Member definition. Secretary Bellow noted that it applies to the responsibility, for example an <br />G:\PRB\Minutes\2014\4.17.14 Meeting Minutes.docx