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File Number: 14-194 <br />Business License Fee: $158.10 <br />State CASp Fee: $1.00 <br />Peddler/Solicitor Permit Fee:$75.00 <br />Fingerprinting/Police Admin Fee: $156.00 <br />Total Fee/Tax:$390.10 <br />These fees were originally intended for ice cream truck vendors who traditionally have only <br />one person in the truck. Mobile food vending has changed dramatically just in the last several <br />years such that mobile food vendors now feature larger mobile vending units offering upscale <br />gourmet food options with 2-4 employees. The proposed ordinance will require only one <br />mobile food vending permit and business license per mobile food vending unit no matter how <br />many employees work in the unit. Additionally, as the focus of the permit is on the business <br />rather than the employees, fingerprinting will no longer be required, except for ice cream <br />vendors. <br />Staff researched comparative business license taxes in surrounding cities and throughout the <br />Bay Area that have mobile food vending ordinances and found fees range <br />significantly.Business license taxes for surrounding cities such as Alameda , Hayward, <br />Oakland and unincorporated Alameda County are $105, $66.80, $168 and $59 respectively, <br />not including zoning or other entitlement fees. <br />To attract Mobile Food Vendors to the City , the attached resolution proposes to reduce the tax <br />for mobile food vendors by waiving the $36.50 per employee portion and charging only the <br />annual base fee of $121.60. Mobile food vendors will be required to have a mobile food <br />vending permit/business license for each mobile food vending unit even if owned by the same <br />vendor. <br />The proposed breakdown for a mobile food permit and business license tax is as follows: <br />Business License Fee (base fee only): $121.60 <br />State CASp Fee: $1.00 <br />Mobile Food Vendor Permit Fee:$0 <br />Fingerprinting/Police Admin Fee: $0 <br />Total Fee/Tax:$122.60 <br />Note: Ice cream vendors are required to pay $52 fingerprinting/Police Admin Fee for a total cost of $194.60 <br />Current Agency Policies <br />The following Municipal and Zoning Code Sections currently regulate mobile food vending: <br />·Municipal Code Title 2, Chapter 2-2, Business License <br />·Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 4-5, Peddlers, Solicitors & Itinerant Merchants <br />·Zoning Code Part IV, Article 16, Division 3, Section 4-1662 Outdoor Facilities and <br />Storage/Loading Facilities. <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed amendments to the Municipal Code are exempt from the California <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/27/2014