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Page 1 of 13 <br /> San Leandro Housing Element Implementation Program-2013 Annual Progress Report-Table C <br /> Name of Goal/Program Objectives/Summary of Actions Timeframe Status of Program Implementation <br /> in H.E. <br /> Goal 53: 1. Facilitate the development of 149 units of very low income housing in the Estabrook 1. ACHIEVED: City provided Estabrook Place (51-unit senior complex for very low- <br /> Affordable Housing Place(Eden Housing) and Alameda at San Leandro Crossings (renamed Cornerstone) income seniors & 1 low-income resident manager) with Certificate of Occupancy on <br /> Development (BRIDGE Housing)projects by June 30,2014.(excludes manager's units). ADVANCE: Due to unforeseen delays,BRIDGE Housing will re-apply for federal low- <br /> income housing tax credits (LIHTC) in Spring 2014 for the redesigned 200-unit <br /> Cornerstone affordable rental housing project. <br /> 2.Facilitate the development of at least 152 additional units affordable to very low income 2. ADVANCE:Since 6/30/2009,50 of 152(33%)very low-income units and 1 low-income <br /> households, 221 new units affordable to low-income households, and 262 new units unit have been built with the development of Estabrook Place. <br /> affordable to moderate-income households between June 30,2009 and June 30,2014 to <br /> satisfy the City's ABAG Regional Housing Needs Allocation. <br /> 3.Of the 152 very low income units,strive to achieve occupancy of at least half(76 units) 3. ADVANCE: City is committed to developing extremely low-income units project-by- <br /> by extremely low income households.This would include a combination of units that are project when feasible. The Cornerstone project is proposed to have 20 extremely low <br /> explicitly reserved for extremely low income households(such as those in Casa Verde and income(ELI)units. <br /> Mission Bell)and units that serve all households with incomes less than 50%of AMI. <br /> Land Supply <br /> Action 53.01-A:Downtown Promote the BART Transit Oriented Development(TOD)Area for mixed-use development Ongoing ADVANCE:TOD Strategy adopted in 2007.Opportunity sites material is made available to <br /> TOD Strategy Implementation and ABAG Priority Development Area (PDA) by marketing development opportunities, potential developers.Other implementing actions are already in progress.Several projects <br /> working with property owners to facilitate development, and improving infrastructure to such as the Cornerstone have been approved for development. <br /> attract investment. <br /> Action 53.01-B:Bayfair BART Develop and refine TOD plans with BART around the Bayfair Station, including adjoining 2011 ADVANCE:Preliminary work completed in 2005.Pursuit of planning grants are in progress. <br /> General Plan Amendment& under-utilized private and public properties. Rezone the Bayfair BART Station parking lot <br /> Rezoning from Public/Semi-Public to high-density mixed use development to establish a minimum <br /> density of 40 units per acre for multi-family housing development. Eventually, consider a <br /> General Plan Amendment for the adjacent Mall properties. <br /> Action 53.01-C:Upper Consistent with the General Plan, rezone the following "CC" areas for Mixed Use 2010-2011 ADVANCE:This action is already anticipated by the General Plan Land Use Element and <br /> Washington Corridor and development: Map.However,this requires City prioritization and City Council action. <br /> MacArthur Boulevard a) Washington Street between Castro Street and San Leandro Boulevard (excluding <br /> Rezoning properties zoned RD and RM) <br /> b) MacArthur Boulevard between Durant Street and Foothill Boulevard <br /> This mixed use zoning would allow multifamily housing and mixed use development by <br /> right, establish minimum and maximum densities, improve the pedestrian and street <br /> environment,and expedite the reuse of vacant and under-developed properties. <br /> Action 53.01-D:General Plan Update General Plan's Future Land Use Map to reflect intended land uses and densities Fall 2009 ACHIEVED: City Council approved General Plan amendments for conformity with <br /> Map Revision on the Downtown TOD Strategy to eliminate any ambiguities about land usage and Downtown TOD Strategy on March 21,2011. <br /> allowable densities on properties around Downtown's BART Station. <br /> Funding <br /> Action 53.03-A:Applications Pursue opportunities for affordable housing, including annual applications for federal Ongoing ADVANCE: Regular function of Housing Division. Received annual entitlement grants for <br /> for Grant Funding CDBG and HOME funding. CDBG & HOME funds. City will pursue other affordable housing funds now that RDA <br /> Housing Set Aside funds are no longer available. <br /> Action 53.03-B:Support for Provide support and information to developers to-build affordable housing, including Ongoing ADVANCE: Regular function of Housing Division.City works with developers to leverage <br /> Non-Profit and For-Profit assistance in applications for LIHTCs, MRBs, and Affordable Housing Program funds. funds for affordable housing development on a project-by-project basis. City is currently <br /> Affordable Housing Work with Business Development Dept to advertise local development opportunities. assisting BRIDGE Housing with the Cornerstone project. <br /> Developers <br /> Action 53.03-C:Affordable Maintain a local affordable housing trust fund with in-lieu fees from the inclusionary zoning Ongoing ADVANCE: Regular function of Housing Division. Staff maintains an Affordable Housing <br /> Housing Trust Fund program and condo conversion fees. Trust Fund created under the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance from in-lieu and condo <br /> conversion fees. <br /> Action 53.03-D:Affordable Support affordable housing bond measures at the State and County level.Lobby for and Ongoing ADVANCE: Function of Housing Division,as needed.The RDA$9.1 million development <br /> Housing Bonds participate in discussions of such bonds if/when they are being developed or proposed. loan, approved in April 2009 for the Cornerstone project,will be bonded when BRIDGE <br /> Housing is prepared to begin construction. <br />