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ALL FUNDS BUDGET SUMMARY ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 PROJECTED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS (Revised 5/19/14 by Council) <br /> Projected 2014-15 2014-15 2014-15 2014-15 Projected <br /> Fund Balance Adopted Projected Revenue Adopted Projected Expenditure Fund Balance <br /> Fund Type/Name 06/30/14 Revenue Revenue Change Expenditures Expenditures Change 06/30/15 <br /> General Fund $25,477,402 $ 81,638,585 84,291,764 2,653,179 $ (82,774,097) (86,316,960) (3,542,863) $ 23,452,206 <br /> Special Revenue Funds: <br /> Street/Traffic Improv(DFSI) 512,135 90,750 90,750 - (81,528) (134,528) (53,000) 468,357 <br /> Park Development Fees 212,300 26,000 26,000 - (17,946) (17,946) - 220,354 <br /> Underground Utility Fees 1,060,390 71,500 71,500 - - - - 1,131,890 <br /> Parking (49,080) 250,160 250,160 - (323,194) (326,158) (2,964) (125,078) <br /> Gas Tax 407,093 2,063,182 2,000,906 (62,276) (2,043,381) (2,055,961) (12,580) 352,038 <br /> Gas Tax(Section 2103) (214,949) 1,225,498 907,074 (318,424) (1,063,690) (692,125) 371,565 - <br /> Measure B 83,069 1,546,101 1,526,161 (19,940) (1,463,634) (1,604,157) (140,523) 5,073 <br /> Measure F 110,293 365,073 391,283 26,210 (345,624) (475,366) (129,742) 26,210 <br /> Asset Seizure 576,639 6,000 6,000 - - - - 582,639 <br /> Heron Bay 328,325 367,495 344,580 (22,915) (368,454) (360,175) 8,279 312,730 <br /> Cherrywood Maint. 319,096 21,755 23,478 1,723 - - - 342,574 <br /> Proposition IB 11,495 - - - - - - 11,495 <br /> Grants - 591,826 611,940 20,114 (591,826) (599,956) (8,130) 11,984 <br /> CDBG 25,000 560,739 556,054 (4,685) (513,536) (578,549) (65,013) 2,505 <br /> Home Grant Housing - 144,170 174,049 29,879 (144,170) (144,208) (38) 29,841 <br /> Housing In Lieu 59,739 - 14,061 14,061 - - - 73,800 <br /> Affordable Housing Asset Fund 689,410 32,000 219,446 187,446 - - 908,856 <br /> Business Improvement District 47,771 298,440 348,440 50,000 (296,920) (346,920) (50,000) 49,291 <br /> Public Education&Government 76,388 150,000 150,000 - (32,900) (55,084) (22,184) 171,304 <br /> Total Special Revenue Funds 4,255,114 7,810,689 7,711,882 (98,807) (7,286,803) (7,391,133) (104,330) 4,575,863 <br /> Capital Project Funds: - <br /> Capital Improvements 1,186,760 - 350,000 350,000 - (350,000) (350,000) 1,186,760 <br /> CFD#1 Cherrywood 497,875 - - - - - - 497,875 <br /> Total Capital Project Funds 1,684,635 - 350,000 350,000 - (350,000) (350,000) 1,684,635 <br /> Debt Service Funds: <br /> Assessment District Debt 64,235 - - - - 64,235 <br /> Cherrywood Debt 962,115 484,972 464,866 (20,106) (439,040) (439,040) - 987,941 <br /> Public Financing Authority 1,076,146 2,474,319 2,474,319 - (2,043,685) (2,043,685) - 1,506,780 <br /> Total Debt Service Funds 2,102,496 2,959,291 2,939,185 (20,106) (2,482,725) (2,482,725) - 2,558,956 <br /> Enterprise Funds: - - <br /> Water Pollution Control 862,621 12,266,000 12,354,910 88,910 (9,640,042) (9,993,800) (353,758) 3,223,731 <br /> Environmental Services 1,343,495 994,682 994,682 - (1,116,069) (1,126,183) (10,114) 1,211,994 <br /> Shoreline Fund 631,731 2,238,800 2,240,477 1,677 (2,053,895) (2,011,462) 42,433 860,746 <br /> Storm Water 186,929 1,081,000 1,072,328 (8,672) (1,165,774) (1,187,250) (21,476) 72,007 <br /> Total Enterprise Funds 3,024,776 16,580,482 16,662,397 81,915 (13,975,780) (14,318,695) (342,915) 5,368,478 <br /> Internal Service Funds: - - <br /> Building Maintenance 818,348 2,938,805 2,939,769 964 (3,286,805) (3,268,018) 18,787 490,099 <br /> Information Technology 648,976 3,851,900 3,941,784 89,884 (3,851,900) (3,900,165) (48,265) 690,595 <br /> Self Insurance 7,132,988 3,730,442 3,730,442 (3,730,321) (3,733,458) (3,137) 7,129,972 <br /> Equipment Maintenance 1,068,184 2,340,108 2,856,908 516,800 (2,625,108) (3,149,440) (524,332) 775,652 <br /> Total Internal Service Funds 9,668,496 12,861,255 13,468,903 607,648 (13,494,134) (14,051,081) (556,947) 9,086,318 <br /> Private Purpose Trust Funds: <br /> Successor Agency to the <br /> Redevelopment Agency 4,614,326 6,494,197 6,505,844 11,647 (6,494,197) (6,488,183) 6,014 4,631,987 <br /> Total Private Purpose Trust Funds 4,614,326 6,494,197 6,505,844 11,647 (6,494,197) (6,488,183) 6,014 4,631,987 <br /> Total All Funds $50,827,245 $128,344,499 $131,929,975 $3,585,476 $(126,507,736) $(131,398,777) $(4,891,041) $ 51,358,443 <br />