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ARTICLE VII - REVERSION OF PATROL BOAT TO DEPARTMENT <br /> If, for any reason whatsoever, this CONTRACT is terminated prior to <br /> the expiration of the term of the CONTRACT, then the GRANTEE shall <br /> deliver the PATROL BOAT to the DEPARTMENT and shall execute any <br /> document necessary to effect appropriate changes in pertinent public <br /> records; the reversion of registered title is hereby declared to be <br /> in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other remedies for breach of <br /> this CONTRACT which may be available to the DEPARTMENT. <br /> ARTICLE VIII - LIABILITY <br /> A. The GRANTEE waives all claims and recourse against the <br /> DEPARTMENT, including the right to contribution for any loss or <br /> damage arising from, growing out of or in any way connected with <br /> or incident to this CONTRACT except claims arising from the <br /> concurrent or sole negligence of the DEPARTMENT, its officers, <br /> agents and employees. <br /> B. Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the State, <br /> its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims and <br /> losses accruing or resulting to any and all contractors, <br /> subcontractors, suppliers, laborers, and any other person, firm <br /> or corporation furnishing or supplying work services, materials, <br /> or supplies in connection with the performance of this <br /> Agreement, and from any and all claims and losses accruing or <br /> resulting to any person, firm or corporation who may be injured <br /> or damaged by GRANTEE in the performance of this Agreement. <br /> GRANTEE warrants, represents and agrees that it and its <br /> subcontractors, employees and representatives shall at all times <br /> 8 71 <br />