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San Leandro General Plan Update Communications and Outreach Plan Page 9 of 14 <br />E-mail List <br /> <br />The City began this process without an “interested parties” email data base for matters <br />concerning long-range planning. Following the project start-up, work began on building a data <br />base (in Excel and MS Outlook) containing the names, affiliations, and email addresses of those <br />who will receive direct notification of all matters relating to the General Plan. These <br />notifications will include, but not be limited to: <br /> <br /> Initial Notification of the Project Launch <br /> Initial Notification of the Website and Opportunity to Participate in Virtual City Hall <br /> Notification of Town Hall Meetings <br /> Notification of new “discussion questions” on Virtual City Hall <br /> Notification of other important meetings, possibly including Planning Commission study <br />sessions <br /> <br />Those on the email list will have the option to “unsubscribe” if they no longer wish to receive <br />notifications. As of June 5, 2014, the email list includes approximately 170 names. We have set <br />a goal of growing this list to 500 names by the end of the project, as residents join Virtual City <br />Hall, sign in at Town Hall meetings, attend stakeholder meetings, or attend other project - <br />related meetings (or their own neighborhood and interest group meetings where the project <br />team is present). <br /> <br /> <br />Project Website <br /> <br />A dedicated General Plan website has been created. The website will be continuously updated <br />throughout the process and will serve both to disseminate information about the project <br />(including draft work products) and to receive information from the communi ty. The <br />screenshot below shows the tab headings which provide information about the project. <br /> <br />