Laserfiche WebLink
San Leandro General Plan Update Communications and Outreach Plan Page 10 of 14 <br />Components of the website include: <br /> <br /> A Home page, which explains the purpose of the General Plan and the website in a few <br />sentences <br /> A News page, which includes press releases and stories about project milestones, and which <br />is updated continuously as stories are released <br /> A General Plan Basics page, which provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions about <br />the General Plan and provides more information on the pro ject <br /> A Documents page, which includes direct links to .pdf files and hyperlinks to other <br />webpages where documents may be downloaded. The Documents page includes “Existing” <br />documents (such as the existing General Plan) and “New” documents generated over th e <br />course of the project. The “New” documents list will be continually updated over the <br />course of the project. <br /> A Meetings page, which includes announcements of upcoming meetings (including agenda <br />packets), and summaries of past meetings. The summaries of past meetings include <br />meeting notes, PowerPoint presentations, staff reports, and other materials handed out at <br />each meeting. <br /> A Virtual City Hall page, discussed in detail below <br /> A Contacts page, including information on who to contact for more information and an <br />opportunity to be added to the project mailing list <br /> <br />The website includes links to Google Translator so that its content can be instant aneously <br />translated into other languages, albeit with the limitations inherent in translation software . <br /> <br />The website includes a description of the General Plan Update and EIR process, meeting dates, <br />and project updates as major milestones are achieved. It will be updated at least once a month <br />or more frequently as meetings take place and new materials need to be posted. Such <br />information would include information about Town Hall Meetings, Planning Commission Study <br />Sessions, City Council Updates, Resident Outreach, and Stakeholder Group Outreach meetings. <br />Placeworks’ in-house webmaster will be responsible for managing and updating the website, <br />including uploading PDF files provided by City staff or other team members. <br /> <br />On-Line Technology Portal <br /> <br />The team will utilize the Virtual City Hall on-line portal to gather feedback on a variety of topic <br />areas during the update process. Virtual City Hall is managed by Peak Democracy, a member of <br />the consulting team. <br /> <br />The portal consists of a dedicated site where members of the public may provide ideas and <br />information about specific topic areas that arise during the process. Examples of topic areas for <br />discussion are housing opportunities and type, bike trail/complete streets improvements, <br />economic vitality and growth, and traffic pattern and transit improvements, among others. <br />Peak Democracy also allows for polling and prioritizing of ideas and posting of shared