Laserfiche WebLink
File Number: 14-103 <br />·A project website, <>, which <br />includes information about the General Plan Update; copies of documents, <br />presentations, and meeting notes; and a link to “Virtual City Hall ,” where participants <br />can share their thoughts on different policy topics . <br />·Activation of Virtual City Hall <> throughout <br />the process. The first question which has been asked is “What do you think is the <br />biggest housing challenge facing San Leandro today?” A second question consisting of <br />a multiple choice exercise on preferred housing types in the City was rolled out during <br />the recent Cherry Festival on a City iPad tablet for the general public to use. <br />·Planning Commission study sessions, to be held roughly once every two months for the <br />duration of the project. Public comment will be included as a part of each meeting. Two <br />study sessions have been held to date, and the next one is scheduled for July 10. <br />·Study sessions with other City Commissions, such as the Board of Zoning Adjustments , <br />the Recreation and Parks Commission, and the Senior Commission. <br />·At least four “town hall” meetings (including one on housing issues), to be held at <br />different points during the process . <br />·Direct outreach to established stakeholder groups representing neighborhoods, <br />homeowners, environmental interests, business interests, the faith-based community, <br />housing, and other interests. <br />·Maintaining a visible presence at notable City events such as the recent Cherry <br />Festival. <br />·Production of press releases, meeting notices, postcards and flyers, with information <br />about the project and upcoming meetings. Staff distributed a large number of General <br />Plan Update postcards at the Cherry Festival which highlight the webpage and Virtual <br />City Hall. <br />·Social media updates on Facebook, San Leandro Next and twitter. <br />·Tools for non-English speaking residents to engage in the process. <br />Staff and the consultants have compiled an e -mail data base for project-related <br />communication which will be used to notify the public of upcoming and ongoing opportunities <br />to participate in the process. <br />Policy Audit <br />The consulting team has initiated an “audit” of existing planning policies in San Leandro. This <br />will ensure that the updated General Plan incorporates recently prepared plans and initiatives, <br />such as Lit San Leandro, the Next Generation Workplace District Study , and the Downtown <br />Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy. The audit also includes a review of each <br />policy and action in the 2002 General Plan and a determination of whether it should be carried <br />forward, edited, or deleted. The new General Plan will build on the momentum of recent <br />planning initiatives, while seeking new ideas for how San Leandro should grow and change <br />over the next 20 years. <br />Housing Element <br />As noted above, the Housing Element update is a part of the General Plan update. Under <br />California law, all cities in the Bay Area must adopt housing elements covering the period <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/10/2014