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San Leandro General Plan Update Communications and Outreach Plan Page 2 of 14 <br />In addition to making sure there is broad public awareness of the Update process, one of the <br />primary objectives is to ensure that the public is continually informed with regular updates, <br />materials and new data and information as it happens. Ensuring that all outreach and <br />communication is easily understood, translated when needed, explained in laymen’s te rms and <br />is accessible to all is also of critical importance. <br /> <br />Audience / Targeted Stakeholders <br /> <br />The outreach strategy is designed to reach as many residents as possible, especially at key <br />points such as Town Hall meetings and other public meetings. All San Leandro residents, <br />property and business owners and community members will be included as the primary <br />audience to provide input on the General Plan. It should be noted that outreach to the different <br />groups within this larger audience will be varied. Ongoing communication via the Update <br />website will reach most of the audience members, but other types of outreach, public <br />meetings, focus groups, newsletters and mailings also must be included. <br /> <br />It is noted that in 1998-2002, San Leandro’s General Plan Update also included a General Plan <br />Advisory Committee (GPAC) of nearly 60 members. The Committee included seven <br />subcommittees, corresponding to Elements of the General Plan. More than 100 committee and <br />subcommittee meetings were held, adding considerably to the project’s duration and cost. <br />Because the current effort is an “update” to the existing plan (rather than a “new” plan) and is <br />being prepared within greater fiscal constraints and a two-year (rather than four-year) <br />timeframe, the established Planning Commission will be the de facto steering committee. <br /> <br />The following is a list of stakeholder groups whose participation is desired. This is not an all- <br />inclusive list but rather a sample that illustrates the diversity the Project Team seeks to achieve. <br />The groups are not listed in any particular order: <br /> <br /> City Council <br /> Planning Commissioners <br /> Other City Commissioners and Committees <br /> City Departments and Staff <br /> Residents (both within and outside of Homeowners Associations) <br /> Community-based organizations <br /> School Districts as well as some individual schools, such as San Leandro High’s SLAM <br />Academy <br /> Business owners and organizations including Downtown Association, Chamber of <br />Commerce, African American Business Council, Hispanic Chamber, and Asian Chamber. <br /> Youth organizations <br /> Government officials and advisory groups <br /> Environmental and open space organizations <br /> Transportation advocates and organizations <br /> Transportation agencies such as AC Transit and BART