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San Leandro General Plan Update Communications and Outreach Plan Page 3 of 14 <br /> Recreation groups <br /> Housing advocates <br /> Developers (for profit and non-profit) <br /> Tenant rights groups <br /> Renters <br /> Religious institutions and organizations <br /> Social clubs and social service organizations <br /> Property owners <br /> Utility organizations (EBMUD, PG&E, Waste Management) <br /> Labor organizations <br /> Regional employers and companies <br /> Cultural and civic organizations <br /> <br />Outreach Approach <br /> <br />The chart on the following page outlines the main ways in which the general public will be <br />engaged during the Update. <br /> <br />There will be continuous and consistent communication during the Update process with <br />external (general public) and internal (City staff) stakeholders. By providing a variety of ways <br />for community members to participate, it is expected that the public will choose the ways that <br />work best for them. Some may prefer to just attend a Town Hall meeting or a City Council <br />meeting, while some will engage via their home computers. Others will engage in more than <br />one way. The strategy is to provide as many options as possible for those who wish to get <br />involved. <br /> <br />In addition to the structured outreach summarized in the chart, the following key activities will <br />be used by the team to further engage stakeholders and interested parties: <br /> <br /> Multi-Lingual Outreach. Recognizing the ethnic and language diversity of San Leandro, the <br />Project Team will notify residents of upcoming meetings and events in languages other than <br />English. Information will be provided in Spanish and Chinese. This will be achieved in two <br />ways: (a) through inclusion of a google translator app on the website; and (b) through a <br />“click here” prompt written in Spanish and Chinese on the website, which opens a short <br />overview of the project in that language, along with information on who to contact. The <br />listed contact will be a City staff member with sufficient proficiency in each language to <br />provide general direction to the caller in that language. <br /> <br /> Multi-Lingual Printed Materials. The printed materials (which will contain information <br />similar to what is on the website) will include materials in languages other than English. In <br />some cases the printed material may be in two or three languages. <br /> <br />