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Automobile Rentals. See “Vehicle/Heavy Equipment Rental.” <br /> <br />Automobile Washing. Washing, waxing, or cleaning of automobiles or similar light ve- <br />hicles. <br /> <br />Automobile Washing, Attended. A place for washing trucks or automobiles that <br />has an attendant on site while open to the public. <br /> <br />Automobile Washing, Unattended. A place for washing trucks or automobiles <br />that has machinery designed to do the washing without allowing access to the <br />bay during the process. <br /> <br />Awning. A temporary shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building and <br />composed of rigid material or non-rigid material with a supporting framework. <br /> <br />Balcony. A platform that projects from the wall of a building, typically above the first <br />level, and is surrounded by a rail balustrade or parapet. <br /> <br />Banks. See “Financial Institutions, Retail.” <br /> <br />Barbed Wire. See “Razor/Barbed Wire.” <br /> <br />Bars. Establishments that provide on-site alcoholic beverage sales for drinking on the <br />premises and do not admit persons under the age of twenty-one (21). This classification <br />includes businesses with Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licenses of 40, 42, 48, 49 or <br />61. <br /> <br />Basement. Any floor level below the first story in a building. For zoning purposes, a <br />basement is the space below the bottom of the floor framing (joists or girders that <br />directly support the floor sheathing) and the basement floor. To qualify as a <br />basement, more than 50 percent of the basement exterior perimeter wall area <br />must be below grade and no more than 20 percent of the perimeter exterior wall <br />may exceed five feet six inches above the exterior grade. If any part of a base- <br />ment is seven feet six inches or higher, then all areas greater than five feet zero <br />inches in height shall count as area for FAR calculations. Basements are not <br />considered as a story. In addition, the floor level of a building only having one (1) level <br />shall be classified as a basement if that floor level is either more than four (4) feet below <br />grade for more than fifty percent (50%) of the total perimeter, or more than eight (8) feet <br />below grade at any point (also refer to definition of “Story, First”). <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 7 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated